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Upgrade to Shibboleth Version 3 Now!


Shibboleth Identity Provider (IdP) software , released version 3.X earlier this year.  as an upgrade to version 2.X, has been which has reached; the CCC Technology Center is upgrading all instances, including the OpenCCC IdP and the CCC Administrator IdP versions, to the latest version on September 29, 2016.  been released. Previous versions of Shibboleth IdP software, including version 2.4.1, has completed its End-of-Life process on July 31, 2016. No further security updates or support for bug fixes will be available for version 2 at this time; however, version 3 is backwards compatible with v2. 

The CCC Technology Center is upgrading OpenCCC IdP to Shibboleth version 3.X on September 29, 2016.


Mini-Grant Funding Available for Shibboleth v3 Upgrade

One of the requirements for membership in the California Community Colleges Single Sign-on Initiative (CCC SSO Federation) will be required to upgrade A requirement for membership in the CCC SSO Federation initiative, California Community Colleges will be required to upgrade their current 2.X version of Shibboleth Identity provider software to version 3.X in order to participate. In an effort to support participating colleges* a mini-grant program has been established to provide up to $5,000.00 in support, specifically for the purpose of upgrading to the latest version..  Click here to see the requirements for participation and apply for a mini-grant of $to support this colleges that choose to upgrade now funding support 

The new Shibboleth IdP version 3.X includes many features and enhancements 

Failure to upgrade to the latest version 3.X of the Shibboleth Identity Provider software could result in users and IT staff losing access to online federated apps and learning resources following the End-of-Life date. 9STAR team advises all organizations that are currently using the Shibboleth Identity Provider software, that they upgrade to the latest Shibboleth Identity Provider software version 3.X. The new Shibboleth IdP version 3.X includes many features and enhancements that provide:

  • Improved security.
  • Ease of management and configuration.
  • Greater inter-operability with apps.

Existing and new customers of 9STAR can request upgrade of their Shibboleth Identity Provider infrastructure by simply signing up with one of the annual Shibboleth support and maintenance plans. 9STAR’s Shibboleth experts help reduce risk, cost and downtime and seamlessly upgrade customers existing Shibboleth Single Sign-On infrastructure in just few days. So hurry and get your free online complimentary quote today and get annual support coverage for your Shibboleth infrastructure.

Please contact for guidance and additional information. In addition, 9STAR’sElastic SSO SAML Solution customers can request upgrade by simply contacting their account executive or 9STAR’s technical support team directly.



The new version 3.X of the Shibboleth Identity Provider (IdP) software was released earlier this year, replacing the popular 2.X version which completed its end-of-life process on July 31, 2016. No further security updates or bug-fixes will be provided for version 2.

The CCC Technology Center (CCCTC) will upgrade the OpenCCC student gateway IdP, Shibboleth v.2.4.1, to version 3.X on September 29, 2016 as part of a planned mid-year release.

The CCCApply college staff IdP, providing single sign-on (SSO) capability to the CCCApply Administrator and CCC Report Center, will also be upgraded to the latest version.

There is no action required by colleges at this time; however, a campaign is underway, including a $5K mini-grant program to help offset the costs of implementation and support, for colleges that are ready to upgrade to version 3, as part of the CCC SSO Federation of secure, web applications being developed by the Education Planning Initiative (EPI), Common Assessment (CCCAssess), and the Online Education Initiative (OEI)


Although the new version 3.X is backwards compatible with previous versions, the CCCTC advises colleges to plan and begin their IdP upgrade at this time. To get started, please read this document first!  

The CCCID & Statewide Technology Initiatives

The cornerstone of the statewide technology initiatives underway at the CCC Tech Center  Tech Center portfolio of web applications is security, privacy and easeIn order to participate in the Failure to upgrade to Shibboleth V.3 could result in losing eligibility to participate in  opportunities to participate in secure

 of Upgrading to version 3.X of the Shibboleth Identity Provider (IdP) software is strongly advised at this time. Failure to upgrade could result in colleges acould result in users and IT staff losing access to online federated apps and learning resources following the End-of-Life date. 9STAR team advises all organizations that are currently using the Shibboleth Identity Provider software, that they upgrade to the latest Shibboleth Identity Provider software version 3.X. The new Shibboleth IdP version 3.X includes many features and enhancements that provide:

  • Improved security.
  • Ease of management and configuration.
  • Greater inter-operability with apps.



The CCCID will be necessary for accessing Canvas through a student services portal being developed by the CCC Education Planning Initiative. The portal, when fully developed, will be the entry point to systemwide services including the OEI Course Exchange, the common assessment system known as CCCAssess, and others.


Colleges using Canvas should already be storing the CCCID in their student information systems, and should immediately begin transferring that data into Canvas via CSV upload. This will be required for additional integration and participation in future OEI activities and other statewide technology initiatives, according to John Sills, OEI Program Manager.


Support for Colleges IT Staff

The CCCAssess team realizes the challenge of adding yet another project to the IT team’s full plate, and is working to make the conversion as smooth as possible, said John Hadad, Product Manager for the California Community Colleges (CCC) Common Assessment Initiative (CAI).

“IT teams are already running at full speed,” Hadad said. “Each college has local IT projects to implement and upgrades to their systems. Plus, the IT staff provides ongoing support of the network. CCCAssess does mean extra work but we are doing everything we can to reduce the pressure and provide support.”

What if we use Shibboleth?
Colleges using Shibboleth will need to verify which version they are using. They should give consideration to upgrading to the latest version of Shibboleth, if that hasn’t been completed. Shibboleth v2.X will become an unsupported version, and while upgrading to v3.1 is not required, it is strongly encouraged.

What if we use other Identity Providers?
If a college does not use Shibboleth as its IdP, there are other steps that you may need to take. Colleges using PortalGuard, Ellucian and other IdP solutions will need to go through a process to ensure that their campus system is compatible with the statewide IdP. This includes aligning the IdP and associated applications to support the integration with the statewide authentication service.

Do you have more questions?

Additional information is available at the CCCAssess website at You can also contact John Hadad directly at or 530-413-8583, and Monica Zalaket at or 530-213-3677.