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Request No.2016-38
Date of Request6.13.16
RequesterJennifer Coleman
CAI Program Manager
Section / Page


Steering Hearing Date6.16.16
Proposed Change to Download FileYes
Proposed Change to Residency LogicN/A

Jira Legacy
serverJIRA (

Table of Contents

Problem / Issue

The Common Assessment Initiative (CAI) is requesting the addition of a series of new data field questions to the CCCApply Standard Application for the purpose of collecting aggregate data (multiple measures)in support of assessment placement for the CCC Assess program. The CCCAssess pilot program includes 40 California Community Colleges; testing with pilot cohort begins on September 20, 2016.  Implementation of these new data fields is needed as part of the Apply September 2016 release.
NOTE: This onscreen and data download change warrants a 60 day notification to colleges.  Communication will begin in mid-July and the changes will need to roll to Pilot 30 days prior to release.


Proposed Solution

This change only pertains to the CCCApply Standard Application only.  

Add a new section to the Education page called, "High School Transcript Information", which will include 7 new downloadable data field questions asking students for GPA and highest English and Math courses taken and passed, and their respective grades, at the time of application. The section should  appear below the "Last HS Attended" section only if the student meets conditional criteria. CAI is only interested - at this time - in data pertaining to "high school course and grade information". The data fields will consist of one text input field (GPA) with validation for number format (must be 0.00 - 4.00), and four "menu" fields. The questions and data fields will be added to the Download Client and will be available in the Student Profile Service, Application Rules, and the Report Center.  

User Stories

  • As a college transfer counselor, I need to collect specific high school transcript information from students who have graduated from high school, or equivalent, or are still in high school, in the United States, for the purposes of assessing placement testing through the CCCAssess program (a project of the CCC Technology Center).
  • As a college assessment placement counselor, I need to ensure "High School Transcript Information" is available in the Download Client so it can be imported to the CCC Report Center for research and analysis.
  • As a CCC researcher, I need to be able to run reports on the "High School Transcript Information" in the CCC Report Center.
  • As a product manager/program manager of the Common Assessment Initiative (CAI), I need to ensure the "High School Transcript Information data is available in the Student Profile Service.

Requirements Summary

See data specifications for these new data fields attached (to JIRA ticket).



1Add new conditional section to the Education page labeled "High School Transcript Information" which only displays if the applicant is currently in high school (or lower grade), has completed high school (or equivalent), and attended high school in the US.Based on High School Ed Level, Attended HS in US.
2NEW condition - IF the HS Ed Level is "enrolled in HS (or lower grade) and college at same time" THEN first show new 11th grade question (see #3 below). Otherwise do not show new 11th grade question (because we already know they've graduated or completed high school) and display the three constant questions: Grade Poiint Average, Highest English, and Highest Math Taken.New as of 7/6/16
3Add New Y/N conditional boolen for: Completed 11th Grade. "Have you completed the 11th grade?"
If they say "No" to 11th grade question - don't show any other HS Transcript questions - they are done witht his section..
If they say "Yes" - display Grade Point Average Question, Highest English & Highest Math Course Taken questions (the grade fields will be conditional) and continue with following logic. 
New as of 7/6/16
4Develop 7 new downloadable data fields with conditions, validation, hover help (where appropriate), format/length, .
  • grade_point_average (varchar 5)
  • highest_english_course (integer)
  • highest_english_grade (varchar 2)
  • highest_math_course_taken (integer)
  • highest_math_taken_grade (varchar 2)
  • highest_math_course_passed (integer)
  • highest_math_passed_grade (varchar 2)

Each question and corresponding data field is specified separately, including data element details, conditions, validations, error messages, Pop-Up Help (grade poiint average), and Hover Help (grade poiint average).

5New Question: Grade Point Average. 
6Section Requirements:
Condition: If the section displays based on HS Ed Level, Last HS Attended, and HS Country responses, display "Grade Point Average" question and require a response.
7Conditions for Question #2: Highest English Course (and subsequent question #3)
  • If the student enters any value other than 0.00 in the "Grade Point Average" question field, then display Question 2 and require a response.
  • If the student selects "None of the Above / Don't Know" in question #2, then DO NOT display question #3 "What grade did you receive?" 

Conditions for Questions #4: Highest Math Course Taken (and subsequent questions #5, 6, and 7)

  • If the student enters any value in the "Grade Point Average" question field, then display Question 4 and require a response.
  • If the student selects "None of the Above / Don''t Know" in question #4, then DO NOT display question #5, #6 or #7.
  • If the student selects any response OTHER than "None of the Above..." then display qustion #5 "What grade did you receive?" and require a response.
  • If the student selects a grade of A, A-, B+, B, B-, C+, C, C-, or P" then DO NOT display question #6 or #7.
  • If the student selects a grade of "D, F, or NP" then display question #6 and require a response AND display question #7 and require a response.
9Add Help Pop-Up Box in Question #1: Grade Point Average
Add hyperlinks under "unweighted grade point average" and "cumulative unweighted grade point average" and display Help Box Text (see below). 
10Add Hover Help to Question #1: "Grade Point Average" text input field only. No translation to Spanish. (see below). 
11Review Application Page: Add "High School Transcript Information" section and all questions to the Review Application page. 
12Submitted Applicatons View PDF Page: Add new data fields to the "Submitted Application PDF" for the Standard Application only. 
13Download Client: Add all 7 new data fields to Download Client. 
14Database: Add all 7 new data fields to Standard Application submitted applications database for Rules (Administrator) and Report Center. 
15Profile Service: Ensure all 7 new data fields are available to the Student Profile Service (What does that look like as far as requirements?) 
16Data Dictionary: Update Specs: The Standard Application Data Dictionary will be updated to include a summary of the section and specific data field specifications.See proposed Specs attached


Proposed Technical Specifications 

The following technical specifications pertain to the Standard Application only

High School Transcript Information Section

  1. Add new section to the Education page in the Standard Applicationn for:  "High School Transcript Information" between the Last High School Attended section and the College Education Level section IF the student meets the following conditional criteria; otherwise do not display section..

    1. Condition: Display "High School Transcript Information" section with ONLY the new question for Grade Point Average IF: 

      High School Education Level is one of the following:
      • Will be enrolled in high school (or lower grade) and college at the same time, OR
      • Received high school diploma from US high school OR
      • Passed a high school equivalency test
      • Received a Certificate of California High School Proficiency;


Last High School Attended <hs_attendance> is one of the following:

      • I attended high school
      • I attended a registered homeschool organization


       High School Country <hs_country> is “United States”

THEN,  display new "High School Transcript Information" section with Grade Point Average question only.


Conditional Boolean Question

#1:  Grade Point AverageAdd new

: Have you completed the 11th grade?

  1. Display new Y/N boolean question before the "Grade Point Average" question
and Menu field to High School Transcript Information section:  "2.  Display new
  1. to sub-set of conditional users who are still in high school or lower grade per their HS Ed Level AND HS Country = US. 
  2. Question Text:  "Have you completed the 11th grade?"
  3. Condition:  ONLY display this question IF 1) High School Education Level = "attending high school (or lower grade) and college at the same time" AND 2) "hs_country = United States", ELSE do not display this question before displaying Question #1: Grade Point Average. 
  4. Format/Length:  Boolean
  5. Type:  NOT downloadable (TBD, this may change but will pitch to committee as a non-downloadable field).

NOTES:  This question is being added to differentiate between the users who can answer the Grade Point Average question and those who cannot. If the user should not answer Question #1: Grade Point Average, then they do not see or answer any of the subsequent questions.

Display new Y/N boolean question to ensure they have completed 11th grade, which is the earliest grade of completion requirement for displaying the new High School Transcript information section.  


Question #1:  Grade Point Average

  1.  Add new "Grade Point Average" question and downloadable data field to High School Transcript Information section.

2.  Display new downloadable data question: Grade Point Average

a. Data element name:  grade_point_average

b. Conditions: If student meets criteria listed for the High School Transcript Information section above, then always display the "Grade Point Average" question and require a response. (see conditions above). 

c. Format Type/Length:

 formatted text input field _ . _ _

 Varchar 5 

c. Values:

 free form text

 text input

d. Question Text:

Add the following onscreen question text:

   "What was your unweighted high school GPA (grade point average)? Please enter a value between 0.00 and 4.00." 


Ensure the

NOTE:  Ensure Help pop-up hyperlink is added under "unweighted high school GPA" and triggers the Help Pop-Up box, specified below.

e. Additional text:  

"If you are still in high school, enter your cumulative unweighted GPA as of the end of 11th grade. If you have not completed 11th grade, you must enter 0.00."

f. Help Pop-Up Text: Add one new Help Pop-Up Text Box in to the "Grade Point Average" question. There are two (2) hyperlinks that trigger this single Help Pop-Up Box.

  1.  Hyperlink under:  "unweighted high school GPA" in the onscreen question text;
  2.  Hyperlink under:  "cumulative unweighted GPA" in the Additional text. 
  3. Text for Help Pop-Up is:  

High School Transcript: Grade Point Average

You may want to refer to your high school transcript to answer this question. 

Cumulative GPA: This is the running total of your GPA that includes all of your high school coursework. 

Unweighted GPA: Typically, transcripts will show both a weighted and unweighted GPA. The unweighted GPA has a maximum value of 4.0 and does not assign extra points or “weight” to classes that are more difficult such as AP or Honors classes.

g. Hover Help: Add English hover help to the "Grade point Point Average" input text field with the following text:

"If you have completed 11th grade or higher, enter a Enter a numeric value between 0.00 and 4.00 that indicates your high school grade point average. If you have not completed 11th 12th grade, enter 0.00 in the text fieldyour 11th grade." 

h. Field Error Validation:

Patty needs to work with Josh on these validations.
1. Client side validation:  

      • Must be a numeric value between 0.00 - 4.00, else error message, "You must enter a value between 0.00 and 4.00. Please try again."

2. Server validation: 

      • Must be a numeric value between 0.00-4.00. Ensure highest number entered is 4.00.

i.  Page Error Validation:

Patty needs to work with Josh on these validations.

    • Required response, else error message, "You must enter your unweighted high school GPA (grade point average). Please enter a value between 0.00 - 4.00, or enter 0.00 if you are in 10th grade or lower".
    • Must not be 0.00 if High School Education Level is not "Enrolled in high school (or lower grade) and college at the same time".


Question #2:  Highest English Course

Data Field:  highest_english_course

Condition:  If the Grade Point Average question is NOT 0.00 - then always display Question #2: Highest English Course

Question Text:  "What was the highest English course you completed in high school?  
Additional text: "If you are currently enrolled in high school, this would typically be in 11th grade or earlier."

Data values/Response Options

1 = 12th grade Advanced Placement (AP) English Composition or Literature
2 = 12th grade Honors English Composition or Literature
3 = 12th grade English Composition or Literature
4 = 11th grade Advanced Placement (AP) English Composition or Literature
5 = 11th grade Honors English Composition or Literature
6 = 11th grade English Composition or Literature
7 = 10th grade (or lower) English Composition or Literature
8 = None of the Above / Don’t Know 


Branching Logic: If the student selects  "None of the Above / Don't Know" then  DO NOT show the next question #3 "What grade did you receive?" Otherwise display question #3


Question #3:  Highest English Course Grade

"What grade did you receive?"

Data Field:  highest_english_grade


  • Display if the student DOES selects any response other than "None of the Above / Don't Know" in question #2, 
  • If student selects "None of the Above / Don't Know" then DO NOT display question #3 "What grade did you receive?"

Question Text: "What grade did you receive?"

Data Values/Response Options:

⎯ A

⎯ A-

⎯ B+

⎯ B

⎯ B-

⎯ C+

⎯ C

⎯ C-

⎯ P

⎯ D

⎯ F

⎯ NP

DISPLAY Logic:  Always question #4 - "What was the highest math course you took in high school? If you are currently enrolled in high school, this would typically be in 11th grade or earlier.

  • If the student enters any value other than 0.00 in the "Grade Point Average" question field, then display Question 4 and require a response.
  • If the student selects "None of the Above / Don''t Know" in question #4, then DO NOT display question #5, #6 or #7.
  • If the student selects any response OTHER than "None of the Above..." then display qustion #5 "What grade did you receive?" and require a response.
  • If the student selects a grade of A, A-, B+, B, B-, C+, C, C-, or P" then DO NOT display question #6 or #7.
  • If the student selects a grade of "D, F, or NP" then display question #6 and require a response AND display question #7 and require a response.

Question #4: Highest Math Course Taken

Data Field:  highest_math_course_taken

Condition: Display IF the student meets the criteria for the HS Transcript Information section and require a response.

Question Text:  "What was the highest math course you took in high school? If you are currently enrolled in high school, this would typically be in 11th grade or earlier."

Data Values/Response Options:

1 ⎯ Pre-algebra or lower

2 ⎯ Algebra 1

3 ⎯ Geometry

4 ⎯ Algebra 2

5 ⎯ Trigonometry

6 ⎯ Pre-calculus

7 ⎯ Calculus

8 ⎯ Statistics

9 ⎯ Integrated Math 1

10 ⎯ Integrated Math 2

11 ⎯ Integrated Math 3

12 - Integrated Math 4

13 - None of the Above / Don't Know


Branching Logic: ONLY display Question #5, "What grade did you receive?" IF user selects any response OTHER THAN "None of the Above / Don't Know"
If they choose "None of the Above / Don't Know" in Question #4, then DO NOT SHOW question #5, #6 or #7 ,


Question #5: Highest Math Taken Grade

"What grade did you receive?"

Data Field: highest_math_taken_grade 


  • If the student selects "None of the Above / Don''t Know" in question #4, then DO NOT display question #5, #6 or #7.
  • If the student selects any response OTHER than "None of the Above..." then display qustion #5 "What grade did you receive?" and require a response.
  • If the student selects a grade of A, A-, B+, B, B-, C+, C, C-, or P" then DO NOT display question #6 or #7.
  • If the student selects a grade of "D, F, or NP" then display question #6 and require a response AND display question #7 and require a response.

Data Values/Response Options:

  1. =  A
  2. = A-
  3. = B+
  4. = B
  5. = B-
  6. = C+
  7. = C
  8. = C-
  9. = P
  10. = D
  11. = F
  12. = NP

[Branch Logic, IF user selects = D, F, or NP in highest math course TAKEN,  THEN display question #6 and require a response.  Else, if user selects any response higher than a P or C- or better, Don't show question 6 or 7] If grade in #5 is "C-" or better then don't show questions 6 or 7. 


Question #6. Highest Math Course Passed

Data Field:  highest_math_passed

Condition: Only display if the student selected a grade of "D, F, or NP" in question #5. 

Question Text:  "What was the highest math course that you passed with a C- or better in high school.

This sentence may be changed or removed: Additional Text:  If you are currently enrolled in high school, please select the highest course you completed in 11th grade."

Data Values/Response Options:

⎯ Pre-algebra or lower

⎯ Algebra 1

⎯ Geometry

⎯ Algebra 2

⎯ Trigonometry

⎯ Pre-calculus

⎯ Calculus

⎯ Statistics

⎯ Integrated Math 1

⎯ Integrated Math 2

⎯ Integrated Math 3

-Integrated Math 4


Question #7. Highest Math Course Passed Grade

Data Field:  highest_math_passed_grade

Condition: Only display if question #6 is displayed and require a response. 

Question Text:  “What grade did you receive?”

Data Values/Response Options:

⎯                 A

⎯                 A-

⎯                 B+

⎯                 B

⎯                 B-

⎯                 C+

⎯                 C

⎯                 C-

  •           P

Supporting Documentation

This is the original set of questions I received from the CAI team. Don't go by this - questions and conditions have changed.

View file
nameSelfReportedDataGuide_6.13.16 (1).docx