2022-09: Fix Residency Issue in CCCApply Caused by New Account Changes

Request No.


Date of Request

July 2022


Mitch Leahy, Santa Rosa Jr. College


Standard Application

Section / Page

Residency; Permanent Address (Account)

Advisory Group Review Date


Residency Logic Issue


Data Field Issue


Problem / Issue

College is reporting at least one instance where the student is a CA resident, but the residency status = 2 with a 02 integrity flag (perm address is not CA). Based on the students application responses, this is clearly false.

My suspicion is that when the changes were made to CCCApply following the release of the new OpenCCC 2.0, some nuances in the logic between the "Edit Account" service that resided inside the application(s) - remember this was the section on the top of the Edit Account/Mailing page where we provided a review of the student's Account information AND the opportunity to edit that information inside CCCApply application - this was actually a copy/separate service of the Account service - we called it "Edit Account".  This separate account service lived inside each of the CCCApply applications (Standard/Noncredit, CCPG, and International apps).  A student could update/edit their OpenCCC account either: 1) directly in OpenCCC, outside of the application; or 2) inside the application via the "Edit Account" service.   I hope this makes sense.

Furthermore, if you notice on the - now called...Profile page, the Current Mailing Address section still exists, right?  And one of the first checkboxes in that section says, "My current mailing address is the same as my permanent address above".  This "above" part, I believe, is throwing an error in the algorithm logic because now that the "above" address is no longer there, the algorithm is triggered by "perm address state IS NOT California". because the state field is no longer there.  The logic is triggering off the state field being blank OR if the state field had a state that was not California.  

Downstream Issue: Support responded to the college that this issue may be related to the Residency Status Change field/function which was calculating the new residency status, but this is not accurate. Josh Helmer confirmed years ago that the <res_status_change> field doesn’t work. We need a dev to help confirm this and if so, remove the section from the DED.

Proposed Solution

This is the first thing I am going to have the dev team test and see if that "current mailing same as perm address" logic is screwed up now, or not.  I hope this is as simple as that.  If it is, a simple fix would be to remove that checkbox in the current mailing section - although this would also remove the option for the student to quickly state their current mailing is the same as their perm address.  

What is the better trade off?


Supporting Information

< from Patty >
I am writing you back to say that I found several examples of this myself in the Report Center.  

Reina - would you be able to send a few examples?  I ran a report for SRJC for July 1- Aug 9, where perm address & mailing address are the same and there are no other contra-indicators, yet these students were tagged with residency status = 2 (possible resident with proof) and the same flag 04 thrown (perm address state is not CA).  It would be great to get your examples and compare them to my list.

I still think this is an issue involving the "my current mailing address is the same as my permanent address" checkbox - which did undergo some changes when we rolled out the new OpenCCC Account in January.  But I could be wrong.  We'll dive into it.


Hi Patty,

Here are a couple of students, by CCCID:

AGE3700 Summer/Fall 2022 application on 7/3/22

BEG9203 Summer/Fall 2022 application on 6/14/22 – This one has different permanent address than mailing address, but also flagged “applicant under 25 and determined homeless within last 24 months” so maybe that was an additional factor. 


Reina Chubb
Admissions & Records Specialist, SRJC


Change Requirements










Dependencies, Risks and/or Impacts




Describe Change

Describe Impact or Dependency?




Describe Change

Describe Impact or Dependency?

Would this change affect an existing question in the Standard / Noncredit Application?

Would this change affect an existing data field in the Standard / Noncredit Application?

Would this change affect an existing question or data field in the International Application?

Would this change affect an existing question or data field in the CC Promise Grant Application?

Would the student account system (OpenCCC) be affected by this change?

Does the change pertain to a new or existing MIS reporting requirement?

Does this change pertain to any other state, local, or federal regulation or reporting requirement?

Would this change affect the CCCApply residency logic?

Would this change affect other questions, data fields, or logic in the application?

(i.e., downstream impacts to other apps or systems)?

Would this change impact the student user experience?

Would this change impact any college or district intake processes?  

Would this change impact the college or district’s data delivery process (SuperGlue or Download Client)?

What other applications or web services, if any, would be impacted by this change?

(i.e., downstream impacts to other apps or systems)?

Other related dependencies?

Other related implementation considerations?

Supporting Documentation


File Type




File Type

