MyPath colleges that want to customize their onboarding workflow for their International Application should contact their College Relations Manager at Enabling Services to schedule a demo.


The MyPath CCCApply International Integration Link will be deployed in the CCCApply Release 6.8.0 in early December 2020.

The MyPath CCCApply International Integration Link will be deployed in the CCCApply Release 6.8.0 in early December 2020.

New MyPath Integration Link for CCCApply International Application

Beginning December 2020 (v.6.8.0), colleges using MyPath and the CCCApply International Application have the ability to guide their international students seamlessly through custom-defined onboarding steps within MyPath. The necessary post-submission Confirmation page with the link to “Continue your journey to [your college]” will now appear to your applicants prompting them to either your existing MyPath landing page or a unique landing advisor card specifically for your international applicants.

Here’s how it works:

Implementation Tips: