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Table of Contents



The Bi-Directional Fraud Data API is a SuperGlue-based solution (API) that supports bi-directional communication and sharing of suspected admission application, enrollment, or financial aid fraud data with the CCC Technology Center for the purpose of ultimately suspending or blocking an individual’s profile, thus protecting sharing this determination of fraud with other system colleges automatically. Developed using GraphQL API technology, the first phase of development leverages the SuperGlue framework to amass a fraud data repository built on college reports and streaming notifications out to other affected colleges. Eventually through continuous improvement, the API will be extended to support other types of fraud data, including enrollment and financial aid fraud. Participating districts are provided the Bi-Directional Fraud Data API schema (GraphQL-based, described further below) and authorized access to the API during an implementation call with the CCCTC Enabling Services.


The Bi-Directional Fraud Data API will support colleges that have implemented the SuperGlue College Adaptor to receive fraud notifications as well as colleges that may choose to query the API directly to get fraud information.


The purpose of this guide is twofold: a) to provide an introduction to the Bi-Directional Fraud Data API project including the processes and procedures for college and district staff who will be participating in fraud reporting operations; and b) to provide the technical information and documentation for IT staff and developers who have the necessary skills and understanding of the basic concepts and capabilities of GraphQL API technology, including access to the schema and query templates used to execute the primary operations supported by this service.


(blue star) See the About GraphQL APIpage for an introduction to the basic concepts of GraphQL, the schema, and examples of the functional operations used in the Fraud Data API (query, mutation, subscription).


The Bi-Directional Fraud Data API

In the initial phase ofdevelopment, the biBi-directional Directional Fraud Data API provides a mechanism for colleges to report locally-identified instances of application fraud to the CCCTC, as well as facilitate the ability to query against that data using an authorized MIS code with an AppID or CCCID. In turn, CCCTC server-side workflows analyze the data to determine if the submitted fraud information impacts other colleges across the system. If impacts are found, Superglue is leveraged to notify these colleges of the bad actor.



See more: SuperGlue API: Terminology & Data Element Descriptions



File / Link

Apollo API Sandbox

Fraud Data API Endpoint & Schema Documentation


GraphQL API Documentation

(Official) Online Introduction to GraphQL API

About GraphQL

CCCTC-based Introduction to GraphQL API

About GraphQL API

Postman Documentation

Introduction to Postman / Documentation

Using Postman with the Fraud Data API

CCCTC Guide for Using Postman with the Fraud Data API

