Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Below is an example of a basic FraudReportSubmit operation built with a template in the Apollo sandbox.

In the Operation section, the root mutation, FraudReportSubmit, has been selected with the default FraudReportSubmitPayload fields displayed.

In the Documentation column, the Input argument - FraudReportSubmitInput - is selected and expanded showing the fields that can be used for the required input.

In the Variables table, the “appId” field as been added as the only input variable for this basic operation (currently displaying a null value in the adjacent screenshot).


Before submitting the request, a value would be entered in the “appId” input field (as shown below).

(blue star) The Documentation tab (in the sandbox) enables you to step into the Fraud Data API schema, beginning at one of its entry points. Click the ⊕ button next to any field in the Documentation tab to add that field to the operation editor, at your current path. By default, the Explorer automatically generates variables for that field's arguments.



Update Your College Adaptor for the Fraud Data API - Please see the Fraud Data API Implementation Process page for integration details.


Querying Fraud Data via API

Colleges An option for colleges that have not yet implemented the SuperGlue College Adaptor can is to query fraud data related information specific to their college directly via using the Fraud Data API. The schema describes specifies this operation as FraudReportQuery type query, the query interface for retrieving a FraudReport object , which is the comprised of a 10 field payload response for a an individual student and/or application.


An Object type is one of the most basic components of a GraphQL schema. It represents the kind of object you can fetch from your service and the fields it includes. Learn more




FraudReport object contains the following 10 fields:

  • appId!

  • cccId!

  • recipientMisCode!

  • reportedByMisCode!

  • submitTiimestamp!

  • fraudType

  • ccpgAid

  • federalAid

  • localAid

  • otherAid



FraudReportQuery Operation

CCCTC has created templates for three different variations of the FraudReportQuery that can be used to query fraud reports:




Returns a list of FraudReport responses using the “RecipientMisCode” field as the input variable.


where the…

appId! is required




Returns a FraudReport response using the AppId field as the input variable.




Returns a FraudReport response using the CCCID field as the input variable.

Mostly used with the “withRecipientMisCode” query (because the district or college will be retrieving the applications or CCCIDs of the applicants that have submitted applications to their institution’s mis code.

Below is an example of the FraudReportQuery:withRecipientMisCode


Fraud Report Query (FraudReportQuery)

The FraudReportQuery type:

Example: FraudReportQuery Requestdata for one or more authorized MIS codes. Each variation is configured for a specific input argument (variable) and can be customized to retrieve all or some of the ten different FraudReport data fields in the payload response.

The three FraudReportQuery query variations are:

Use the…

Which requires the…



“RecipientMisCode” field as the input variable

Return a list of FraudReport responses for a specified MIS code.


“AppId” field as the input variable

Return a FraudReport response for a specific student Application.


“CCCID” field as the input variable

Return a FraudReport response for a specific student CCCID.

(blue star) To learn more about the syntax for these variable definitions, it's useful to learn the GraphQL schema language. The schema language is explained in detail on the Schema page.

Below is an example of a basic FraudReportQuery request using the FraudReportQuery:withRecipientMisCode input.

Code Block
curl --location --request POST '' \
  --header 'Authorization: Bearer eyJhb' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data-raw '{"query":"query FraudReportQuery {\n  FraudReportQuery {\n    withRecipientMisCode {\n      submitTimestamp\n      cccId\n      reportedByMisCode\n      recipientMisCode\n      appId\n      fraudType\n      federalAid\n      ccpgAid\n      localAid\n      otherAid\n    }\n  }\n}","variables":{}}'

Reminder: Enter your access token code as the Bearer token required in the Authorization head for secured requests to the API.

with example of expected response:


with example of expected response:

Code Block
    "data": {
        "FraudReportQuery": {
            "withRecipientMisCode": [
                    "submitTimestamp": "2022-10-07T21:15:37.000Z",
                    "cccId": "AAA0002",
                    "reportedByMisCode": "ZZ2",
                    "recipientMisCode": "ZZ1",
                    "appId": 4,
                    "fraudType": "APPLICATION",
                    "federalAid": null,
                    "ccpgAid": null,
                    "localAid": null,
                    "otherAid": null



Reminder: Enter your access token code as the Bearer token required in the Authorization head for secured requests to the API.

Mostly used with the “withRecipientMisCode” query (because the district or college will be retrieving the applications or CCCIDs of the applicants that have submitted applications to their institution’s mis code.

Below is an example of the FraudReportQuery:withRecipientMisCode


Using Postman for Making API Queries
