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With a basic understanding of the operation and their API account with the appropriate credentials and configured attributes, a skilled API programmer has everything they need to effectively format a proper web request using an application development tool such as Curl, Python, PowerShell, etc.


Submit a Fraud Report Using Postman



Update Your College Adaptor for Fraud Data - Please see the Fraud Data API Implementation Process page for integration details.


(blue star) GraphQL provides a complete and understandable description of the data in your API, allowing [colleges] the power to ask for exactly what they need, nothing more and nothing less. GraphQL queries always return predictable results. Apps using GraphQL are fast and stable because they control the data they get, not the server.

Querying Fraud Data via API

For colleges that aren’t able to stream fraud notifications via Colleges that have not implemented the SuperGlue College Adaptor , can ask for fraud data can be queried directly using the FraudReportQuery API requestdirectly via the Fraud Data API. The schema provides the FraudReportQuery queryoperation, described in the schema. The FraudReportQuery is the query interface for a FraudReport type object, which is basically the “fraud report” response for a student and/or application that includes 10 fields.


Code Block
    "data": {
        "FraudReportQuery": {
            "withRecipientMisCode": [
                    "submitTimestamp": "2022-10-07T21:15:37.000Z",
                    "cccId": "AAA0002",
                    "reportedByMisCode": "ZZ2",
                    "recipientMisCode": "ZZ1",
                    "appId": 4,
                    "fraudType": "APPLICATION",
                    "federalAid": null,
                    "ccpgAid": null,
                    "localAid": null,
                    "otherAid": null

(blue star) To learn more about the syntax for these variable definitions, it's useful to learn the GraphQL schema language. The schema language is explained in detail on the Schema page.

Using Postman for Making API Queries

[ brief description and link to the Using Postman page ]

Adding & Modifying Postman Events


Documentation & Supporting Resources
