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Meeting Date:

September 24, 2024


Data Warehouse Advisory Group

Fathom Recording:


Mark Cohen, John Sills, Steve Klein, Erik Cooper, Layheng Ting , Pam Mery, Christopher Blackmore, Denice Inciong, Jason Makabali, Jeanae Releford, Kai Yun Pekarsky, Tim Flanagan, Vinod Verma, Virginia/Ginny Moran, Angela Clark, Jacob Kevari, Eric Houck, Amber Hroch, Jack Thompson, Elaine Kuo, Gayle Pitman, Gene Tjoa




  • Discuss data sharing agreement to support limited sharing of enrollment data between colleges

The group discussed the feasibility of establishing a data sharing agreement to enable the data warehouse to track students who are enrolled at multiple colleges. This would provide insights into students' true course load and attendance patterns across institutions. Key considerations include:

  • Defining the specific use cases and data elements that would be shared (e.g. just enrollment status vs. course and grade details)

  • Ensuring compliance with FERPA regulations, including allowing students to opt out of data sharing

  • Determining the logistics of implementing data sharing, such as handling colleges that don't participate and maintaining data security The group agreed to further develop a draft data sharing agreement for review at the next meeting.

  • Review of new dataset to be released and supported use cases

Jack Thompson presented a new data set he has developed that consolidates application data from multiple sources into a single model. Key features include:

  • Correlating application data with MIS data to enable analysis of the student journey from application to enrollment

  • Providing historical data with the ability to view data as of a specific point in time

  • Offering a set of queries and views to help users understand the coverage and contents of the data set The group discussed potential use cases for this data, such as analyzing application funnels and understanding student mobility across colleges. The data set will be piloted with a subset of colleges before broader release.

  • Pilot testing of new data set

Once deployed to production (early November), we would appreciate feedback. Pam willing to test.

  • Confirm new meeting time starting with October meeting: 3rd Thursday of the month 1-2PM (based on results of Doodle poll)

The group agreed to move the monthly meeting to the third Thursday of each month, starting in October. This change is intended to allow more participants to attend.

  • Other updates



Agenda items for next meeting next meeting?


Questions and Feedback
