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This document provides an overview of the process for integrating with the Bi-Directional Fraud Data API.

Table of Contents


  • Work with the CCCTC Enabling Services team to obtain API account and credentials

  • Integrate with the Fraud Report (GraphQL) Data API

    • Install Postman tool and import event collections (optional, but recommended)

    • Or set up standard templates in preferred API tool (Python, cURL, Powershell, Ruby, Node, Java, etc.)

  • Install the Fraud Report staging table and deploy latest version of College Adaptor to receive a live stream of fraud notifications; or use the GraphQL Fraud Report Query to receive a list of fraud notification

Get Started


With Enabling Services

To get started with the implementation process, an authorized representative from the college or district should engage with the CCCTC Enabling Services (ES) team and schedule an initial overview meeting.

Below is a summary of the steps that will be completed during the implementation overview meeting:

  • CCCTC creates API account for the authorized college user, configured with the appropriate roles, MIS code, and OAuth details.

  • CCCTC provides the college with the API account credentials via secure process.

  • CCCTC provides the college with Postman collection files customized with the Bi-directional Fraud Data API schema and queries (optional).

  • CCCTC provides support for Fraud Report staging table and College Adaptor schema update.

  • CCCTC provides


  • API and schema documentation, integration recommendations, and supporting resources.

CCCTC Provides API Account & Credentials to College

The ES engineer will create an API account for the approved user during the implementation process and passes their credentials via a secure process (such as PrivNote). The credentials passed include the account username and password, configured with the appropriate role(s) and college MIS Code, to ensure the user access is restricted to their college or district.



Integrate with the Bi-directional Fraud Data API

To support your fraud report data submissions and queries for your college, two Postman collection files have been created containing all the JS code and environment information you need to automate your requests and workflows. Download and save these two files locally and import once your Postman install is complete. The two files are detailed in the Install & Configure Postman section below.

College Configures New Fraud Report Staging Table

The ES engineer will create an API account for the approved user during the implementation process and passes their credentials via secure process such as PrivNote. The credentials passed include the account username and password, configured with the appropriate role(s) and college MIS Code, to ensure the user access is restricted to their college or district.

CCCTC Delivers College Adaptor Schema v.4.4 Update


Next Step (Optional): Install and configure Postman

Install & Configure Postman (Optional, but recommended)


Using Postman API Client (Optional, but recommended). To visualize GraphQL queries and simplify the Fraud Report operations CCCTC highly recommends using an API client tool, such as Postman, to interface with the GraphQL API.

To support the use of the Fraud Report API, the CCCTC recommends using a tool such as Postman API client to automatically detects the language of the response, links, and format text inside the body to make inspection easy.

Step 1: Download & Install Postman

(blue star) Download the latest version of Postman for your platform.

Step 2: Import the Fraud Report Postman Collection

Once installed, Postman is configured to authenticate your access and greatly simplify your to the Fraud Report API submissions and requests. CCCTC will provide two Postman collection files containing all the JS code and environment information needed to automate your requests and workflows to the Fraud Report API.

(blue star) Postman Collections: Through the Postman API client, requests can be organized into Collections which help organize your requests for reuse so that time isn’t wasted rebuilding everything from scratch. Collections can contain JavaScript code to tie requests together to automate common workflows, and you can use scripting to visualize your API responses as charts and graphs.

  1. Download and save the Fraud Report API Collection file attached below to your local Downloads folder.

View file
nameFraud Report.postman_collection (1).json

  1. From your

My Workspace page in Postman, import the Fraud Report Postman Collection files.

  • Click on the Collections button from the left menu, then click the Import button in the top right of the column.

  • Select the Fraud Report Postman Collection file in your Downloads folder and complete the Collection import process.

  • Once imported, expand the Fraud Report collection heading to display the three fraud report files included. These files are named:

    • Fraud Report OAuth

    • Fraud Report Submit

    • Fraud Report Query

  • Repeat the process to import the GraphQL:Pilot Environment file. This file contains the parameters specific to your account authorization, including the appropriate role(s) and your college MIS code, which identifies the specific fraud report data your college is authorized to access.

  • Once imported, click on the Environments icon from the upper right side menu in the workspace and select the appropriate environment (GraphQL:Pilot). The parameters for the GraphQL:Pilot environment will display in the center of your workspace.


Step 3: Configure Account Credentials

  1. In the USER row of the CURRENT VALUE column, enter the account username provided by the CCCTC.

  2. In the PASSWORD row of the CURRENT VALUE column, enter the account password provided by the CCCTC.


(blue star)Expand the link below to get your API Access Token via Postman

titleGet Your API Access Token Using Postman

Once your account credentials (username and password) have been configured in the appropriate environment, open the Fraud Report OAuth tab and click the Send button.

In the lower half of the workspace see the JSON code displayed adjacent to the “access_token” variable. This token information will automatically fill the BEARER token in the Authorization header for each fraud report API request.

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NOTE: The access token must be active to successfully authenticate to the API. The access token must be refreshed frequently to maintain authorized access. In Postman, the token must be refreshed every 300 seconds (5 minutes).



Optional: Use Postman to Submit Fraud Reports via API

With Postman installed and configured to the Fraud Data API schema, submitting fraud reports for your college will be greatly simplified. See the Fraud Data API Operations section below for query instructions, screenshots, and helpful tips with the three primary Fraud Report API requestsColleges and districts have options for integrating with the Bi-directional Fraud Data API, including:

  1. Install and use Postman to interface with theAPI (optional, but recommended)

  2. Set up standard templates in your preferred API tool (Python, cURL, Powershell, Ruby, Node, Java, etc.)

Install and Use Postman

The CCCTC recommends implementing Postman for use with the Bi-directional Fraud Data API. Instructions for downloading, installing and configuring Postman are available from your Enabling Services Implementation Configuration Engineer (ICE).

Advantages of Using Postman

Using an API client tool, such as Postman, can greatly simplify the fraud reporting and querying processes for users that may not have experience with an API. The CCCTC has created templates based on the API schema that will simplify submitting and querying fraud reports for your college.

(blue star) Please ask your Enabling Services ICE engineer for a copy of Using Postman with the Fraud Data API for installation and user instructions.

Integrate / Update College Adaptor & Fraud Staging Table

In our current flow of bi-directional fraud reporting, the CCCTC enables a college to submit (via the Bi-directional Fraud Data API) a fraud report and have it broadcast to other colleges (those colleges that the student also applied to). For the colleges that have the College Adaptor installed and the appropriate configuration item enabled (within CCCTC systems), the fraud report is pushed into that college’s sis staging table for fraud reports.

For colleges that don't have the College Adaptor installed (or the configuration item is set to disabled), we are unable to share the fraud report with them in this way. Instead, It is expected that the college will use the Bi-directional Fraud Data API to retrieve the fraud reports associated with their college (by misCode).

(lightbulb) By providing direct access to the Fraud Data API schema, the CCCTC has provided the districts with the ability to create and generate a custom user interface. That interface could, for example, be used to implement a more automated process for dealing with fraud application data in their district.