Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  1. POST the Domain 

    For example, to create a simple states domain :

    POST /domains

    Code Block
    	"name": "states",
    	"zoneUuid": "a1aca070-846f-44e5-9471-c73b46c35f4a",
    	"domainType": "MASTER_CENTRALIZED"

    The location header returned provides the URI for POSTing a domain version below.


    Location /domains/7f28180b-7d9f-42b5-b5ed-d4a0e7ec09fc

  2. POST a Domain Version

    POST /domains/versions/7f28180b-7d9f-42b5-b5ed-d4a0e7ec09fc

    POST Master Data Records to the Domain

    Once the domain/version has been created, master data can be POSTed to it using the /mdr endpoint:
    POST /mdrs
    Code Block
    	"namedisplayProperty": "statesabbreviation",
    	"versionuniquenessRules": 1"abbreviation",
    	"jsonmodelSchema": {
    		"nameproperties": :{
    			"Californianame",: {
    				"abbreviationtype" : "CAstring",

Retrieving Master Data

The MDRs for a the default version of a domain can be retrieved with the following:

POST /mdrs?filters=name:<domain-name>

Retrieving the MDRs for a given domain and version:

POST /mdrs?filters=name:<domain-name>,version:<version>

The Display Property

Each domain must have a display property (displayProperty). The display property acts as a primary key for the domain. For example, the states domain above uses the abbreviation property as the display property, Use the /mdrs endpoint and the appropriate domain and display property to GET an MDR:

GET /mdrs?filters=name:states,displayProperty:CA

If there are multiple versions of a domain, and a domain other than the default is needed, the version number can be included in the URI. For example, assume there are three versions of the states domain and the current version is version 3. The consumer can retrieve the California version 1 MDR by using the following:


  1. 			"min": 2,
    				"max": 80,
    				"required": true
    			"abbreviation": {
    				"type": "string",
    				"min": 2,
    				"max": 2,
    				"required": true

  2. POST Master Data Records to the Domain

    Once the domain/version has been created, master data can be POSTed to it using the /mdr endpoint:

    POST /mdrs

    Code Block
    	"name": "states",
    	"version": 1,
    	"json": {
    		"name" : "California", 
    		"abbreviation" : "CA"

Retrieving Master Data

The MDRs for a the default version of a domain can be retrieved with the following:

POST /mdrs?filters=name:<domain-name>

Retrieving the MDRs for a given domain and version:

POST /mdrs?filters=name:states<domain-name>,version:1,displayProperty:CA<version>

The Display Property


  • The value provided for the displayProperty must be unique between all domain entries of a given domain type (e.g. each entry in the state domain must have a unique stateName).
  • Only one property in a domain can be the displayProperty. If more than one property is required to ensure uniqueness see the Data Domains and Multi-Domain MDM below.
  • Display properties are limited to type STRING.
  • Properties designated as the displayProperty are required; i.e. null values are not allowed.
  • Display properties are case sensitive e.g. "California" is NOT equal to "california".

Uniqueness Rules Property

Uniqueness Rules


Each domain must have a display property (displayProperty). The display property acts as a primary key for the domain. For example, the states domain above uses the abbreviation property as the display property, Use the /mdrs endpoint and the appropriate domain and display property to GET an MDR:

GET /mdrs?filters=name:states,displayProperty:CA

If there are multiple versions of a domain, and a domain other than the default is needed, the version number can be included in the URI. For example, assume there are three versions of the states domain and the current version is version 3. The consumer can retrieve the California version 1 MDR by using the following:

GET /mdrs?filters=name:states,version:1,displayProperty:CA

Display Property Rules

  • The value provided for the displayProperty must be unique between all domain entries of a given domain type (e.g. each entry in the state domain must have a unique stateName).
  • Only one property in a domain can be the displayProperty. If more than one property is required to ensure uniqueness see the Data Domains and Multi-Domain MDM below.
  • Display properties are limited to type STRING.
  • Properties designated as the displayProperty are required; i.e. null values are not allowed.
  • Display properties are case sensitive e.g. "California" is NOT equal to "california".




Uniqueness Rules Property

Uniqueness Rules

  • MDM provides uniqueness rules for MDR duplicate prevention in the case where a simple displayProperty won't suffice.
  • Optionally, specify a comma-separated list of domain properties whose values, in aggregate, must be unique across all the MDRs for the domain.
  • If not provided, MDM will use the displayProperty as the uniquenessRules.
  • Uniqueness rule properties are limited to type STRING
  • Values in uniquenessRules properties are compared case sensitively e.g. "California" is NOT equal to "california"

Model Schema Properties

Valid Property Names


requiredA non-null value for this item must be provided (false by default). Items inside the container-node can
override the parent container node's required setting.


A string of character variablescharacters variable. The following properties are applied when data is posted for this item:


minMinimum value allowed.


Maximum value allowed.regexString must match the regex pattern.
defaultIf the item is not provided or is null, the default value is used.
requiredA non-null value for this item must be provided (false by default).


minMinimum value allowed.


Maximum value allowed.regexString must match the regex pattern.
defaultIf the item is not provided or is null, the default value is used.
requiredA non-null value for this item must be provided (false by default).
