Versions Compared


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A data domain (domain) refers to a data model, such as student or course, and is defined by the parties responsible for data governance. The data domain defines the model schema and other attributes for that focus. Common examples of data domains are customers, students, employees, parts, and product orders.


Federated: Federated domains do not store their data in YOUnite but retrieve and update the data on the systems in which it resides. For example, MIS, ERP, or CRM systems. Federated domains require adaptors, metadata, and governance configurations and are covered in detail *TODO: TUTORIAL ON FEDERATED*

Domain Model Schemas

A domain Model Schema refers to the attributes (properties), format, and other metadata that defines how a specific domain should expect to store the data (either in the YOUnite Data Store or Federated), for the purposes of standardizing how data is exchanged between systems. The Data Governance Steward is responsible for configuring and maintaining domain model schemas. A  domain model schema is a JSON object describing/defining the properties for the domain's schema. The root node of the model schema is the properties element. See Valid Property Names and Valid Types for ModelSchema Properties below.


propertyrequiredvalid valuesdescription

Must be between 2 to 128 characters long and must start with an alpha character. The name property value can only contain upper/lower case alpha characters, digits, and "_" and "-".

The domain name. Must be unique to the entire YOUnite deployment since domains are typically shared.
descriptionno0 to 255 characters long. If longer it will be truncated.A human readable description of the domain.
zoneUuidnoOwning zone's domain UUIDThe zone that the domain, the domain's versions, and its data records will be tied to. If this is omitted the caller's current zone will be used. Note that the caller must have permissions to create a domain.

The domain type can be either:

MDM_DATA_STORE,  which is when the domain's data records are stored in YOUnite. This is used when the entire organization is comfortable or mandated to migrate a domain to a single store. MDM_DATA_STORE is optimal for reference data such as a list of states, countries, zip-codes, etc. 

FEDERATED domains do not store their data in YOUnite, but reference and update data on the systems in which it resides. Federated domains require adaptors, metadata, and governance configurations that are covered in detail.


Code Block
	"modelSchema": {
		"properties": {
			"<property-name>": {
				"type": "<property-type>",
				...item1 properties....
			"<property-name>": {
	"description": "<description>",
	"fastDuplicateDetectionProperties": "<property-name> [,<property-name2>, ....]"

11/16/17 Per Mark: THINGS HAVE CHANGED…. in the “Domain Version Properties Descriptions” and throughout the page.

  • No more displayProperty, uniquenessRules: they got replaced with “fastDuplicateDetectionProperties” (FDDP). See the glossary. It has a good description of “Deterministic Uniqueness” , "De-Duplication” and "Probabilistic Uniqueness” —   it also has a  pretty good description of "Fast Duplicate Detection Properties”.
  • Basically, we can’t have dupes so FDDP are the way we prevent them.

Domain Uniqueness: One of the functions of an MDM system is to detect, resolve and avoid duplicate data which is a significant problem in an organization dependent on many disparate systems. Uniqueness refers to a Data Record's (DR) state as being the only representation within that domain across the systems managed by MDM. For example; there should only be one student DR for any given student. Refer to Deterministic Uniqueness and Fast Duplicate Detection Properties for how CCCTC MDM manages uniqueness.

Deterministic Uniqueness: Deterministic Uniqueness is an MDM approach to detecting whether an MDR is unique for it's domain (refer to Uniqueness). When a transaction through MDM attempts to POST (add) a new record Deterministic Uniqueness combines one-to-many individual attributes (fields) that make up the MDR and queries the MDM stored values for that domain to make sure that they do not already exist. If they do than a process is initiated to resolve and/or report the duplication. The attirbutes that collectively define uniqueness for that domain are identified by the Zone Data Steward. The CCCTC MDM implements Deterministic Uniqueness.

Fast Duplicate Detection Properties: Fast Duplicate Detection Properties are attributes of a Domain and identify those fields that, when combined, MDM should use to detect whether the DR is unique. Refer to Domain Uniqueness, Deterministic Uniqueness, Duplicates and De-Duplication for more.


  • .

Domain Version Properties Descriptions

propertyrequiredvalid valuesdescription
modelSchemayesSee Model Schema Properties and Post a Domain below for details.A JSON model describing the schema for the data domain; it defines the properties that make up the domains schema. The root node of the model schema is the properties element.
descriptionno0 to 255 characters long. If longer it will be truncated.A human readable description of the domain version.

Once the domain/version has been created you can POST data records to, and retrieve data records from, the domain.

Domain Properties Details

The information below provides further domain property details:

Fast Duplicate Detection Properties

Each domain must have a duplicate detection property (fastDuplicateDetectionProperties). Fast Duplicate Detection Properties are attributes of a domain and identify those fields that, when combined, MDM should use to detect whether the data record is unique. Refer to Domain Uniqueness, Deterministic Uniqueness, and Probabilistic Uniqueness for more information.


Note: See Posting a Data Record and Retrieving a Data Record sections for further details on posting/retrieving data records.

Fast Duplicate Dectction Properites Rules

  • The value provided for the displayProperty must be unique between all domain entries of a given domain type (e.g. each entry in the "state" domain must have a unique stateName).
  • Only one property in a domain can be the displayProperty. If more than one property is required to ensure uniqueness see the Uniqueness Rules Property below.
  • Display properties are limited to type STRING.
  • Properties designated as the displayProperty are required; i.e. null values are not allowed.
  • Display properties are case sensitive e.g. "California" is NOT equal to "california".

Valid Property Names

  • Must start with a letter or "\_" (underscore).
  • Can only contain digits, "-" (dash) and "\_" (underscore).
  • Can be up to 64 characters in length.
  • Are case in-sensitive.
  • If two properties have the same name at the same level only one will be used. In Example 1 below, only one name "property" will be used. In Example 2, both will be used  because "name" occurs at different levels in the JSON structure.


Code Block
titleExample 2
	"properties": {
		"owner": {
			"name": {...},
			"phone": {...},
		"pet": {
			"name": {...},
			"classification": {...},

Valid Model Schema Types

Each property with the exception of a node, requires a type property e.g.:

Code Block
"type": "string"

Rules About Required and Default Values

  • If a domain property has a default value defined in its modelSchema, then any domain data records posted will use the default value if the property either does not include a value or is sent in with a null value.


  • If both required and default are used to define a given property, then default is ignored and POSTing data must include the required property.


A container-node item is a node that contains sub-properties. For example, "address" is a container node with the sub-items "city" and "state."


requiredA non-null value for this item must be provided (false by default). Items inside the container-node can
override the parent container node's required setting.
itemsContains the list of sub-properties in the node. This is required only if the "type", "required", and/or "description" properties are used.


A string of characters variable. The following properties are applied when data is posted for this item:

minMinimum string length.


Maximum string length.
regexString must match the regex pattern.
defaultIf the item is not provided or is null, the default value is used.
requiredA non-null value for this item must be provided (false by default).
descriptionA human-readable description of the property.


A numeric, whole number.

minMinimum value allowed.


Maximum value allowed.
defaultIf the item is not provided or is null, the default value is used.
requiredA non-null value for this item must be provided (false by default).
descriptionA human-readable description of the property.


A numeric, decimal number with up to 15 bits of precision.

minMinimum value allowed.


Maximum value allowed.
defaultIf the item is not provided or is null, the default value is used.
requiredA non-null value for this item must be provided (false by default).
descriptionA human-readable description of the property.


A Boolean, allowing only the two values of true or false

defaultIf the item is not provided or is null, the default value is used.
requiredA non-null value for this item must be provided (false by default).
descriptionA human-readable description of the property.


Enumerations (enums) can be either a primitive type (stringint, or a number) or, a cross-reference to an entire set or subset of data records in another domain.


Types of enums:

  • int: A numeric whole number.
  • number: A numeric, decimal number with up to 15 bits of precision.
  • string: A string of character variables. 
  • uri: A cross-reference to another domain; use in conjunction with xrefLocation.

If enumType is set to uri then xrefLocation points to the domain that makes up the elements of the enumeration.

For example, if a version of a domain "countries"contains a list of data record values that represent all countries then a domain can reference it by specifying an enumeration type of uri and the desired domain and version number:

enumType: uri

xrefLocation: /domains/countries:v1

A subset of the data record values in the domain can be specified using the data property.


An array containing a comma-separated list of enum values.

e.g.    "data":["Mays", "McCovey", "Marichal"]

Is a three-item string enumeration.

If the enumType is uri the list of values in the xrefLocation can be limited to the subset of data records whose display values contained in the data array. For example, if /domains/countries:v1 contains a list of all countries but the domain should only reference countries in North America, then the data entries would be:

  "data":["CANADA", "USA", "MEXICO"]

Assuming the display values for Canada, the United States, and Mexico are those shown above in the data elements.

defaultIf the item is not provided or is null, the default value is used.
requiredA non-null value for this item must be provided (false by default).
descriptionA human-readable description of the property.


A properly formed Uniform Resource Locator (URL). A URL is a type of Uniform Resource Identifier (URI). By default, a property of type uri can be any valid URI or it can be limited by a regex pattern or to a domain cross-reference (xrefLocation:"xref").


minItemsMinimum items allowed in the array.


Maximum items allowed in the array
defaultIf the item is not provided or is null, the default value is used.
itemsContains the list of sub-properties in the node.
requiredA non-null value for this item must be provided (false by default).
descriptionA human-readable description of the property.

&&&11/16/17 From Mark: double back and check the section titled "An Example of Creating a Domain in Two Steps” is accurate since some of the API options parameters may change.&&&

An Example of Creating a Domain in Two Steps
