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Master data management (MDM) is an approach to reducing data redundancy by maintaining a definitive "record of truth," or Master Data, for critical data in order to supply a single source as a reference. Ideally, MDM organizes data sharing among multiple applications or departments.


In the example above, if the Credit Card Processing system receives updated customer address, which of the other systems also need to have that data? The Accounting and Distribution systems. If only the street address changed, but the city, state, and zip code information remain the same, then only the street address data element of the customer's address data record needs to be updated in the other two systems.

Note: The most recent version of a given record is called the data record.

If all systems need to be updated, then each system needs to know how to transform the data to be consumed by each of the other systems. This requires programming many transformations. In an extreme case, the example above could take five transformations for each of the six systems, requiring 30 transformation modules or adaptors.

Note: An adaptor is software located within a system that connects to, and shares data through, the YOUnite Data Hub. The adaptor focuses on Extract, Transform, and Load (ETL) functions, ensuring any system systems' "outbound data" meets defined format requirements before it gets transformed into an "inbound data" format that another system requires. The YOUnite Data Hub Hub sits between the various systems, routing data between them based on which systems have access to which data (data governanceData Governance).

scaleable web application that handles the api and message broker requests that adaptors and the YOUnite api consumers communicate through.

  • Are changes handled in real time or in batch?


Using the delivery service example above, the Warehouse Management system should get access to only a subset of the customer data for security reasons. And it shouldn't get any level of access to the Credit Card Processing system. This level of access is defined by the Access Control Lists or "ACLs". Data Governance is used to describe managing the ACLs. Data Governance also defines where the data records are stored.

The problem challenge doesn't end with just the customer data. Other Additional data, such as product, inventory, and employee data may need to be kept up to date on several systems as well:

In Master Data Management, the set of fields or properties (e.g. name, address, phone number) that define a set of data (e.g. Customer) is called a data domain


MDM solves the problem of keeping interrelated systems up to date by creating a separate system where data domains (or domains) are defined for all systems inside the organization. The domains provide neutral data formats or schemas for all systems, facilitating data sharing. The most recent version of a given record is called the Data Record. 

The data for a data domain defined in YOUnite can:

  1. Be stored in the MDM data storeData Store or,
  2. Remain in the organization's systems and, through adaptors, share data with other systems via the YOUnite Data Hub. This is called federated MDM. With federated MDM, YOUnite's data store does not store the data.


  • MDM Data Store: The customer Data Records are stored in YOUnite's data store and can be retrieved, in whole or in part, by the delivery service company's system applications that have appropriate access. 
  • Federated MDM: If the customer domain is federated, then the customer Data Record data record is NOT stored in YOUnite's data store but is created in real-time by referencing customer domain properties as they reside inside the various systems (i.e. the customer name, address, and phone number properties as stored in the Customer Service, Accounting, and CRM systems). 

In the federated model, data records can records can be stored in the YOUnite data store Data Store or in one or more systems connected to YOUnite. Many systems may hold similar data but generally the organization as a whole decides which system(s) hold the data records. Note that with YOUnite's federated model, different groups inside of an organization can designate which system holds the master data. YOUnite's governance model can manage who can access the data.

In the federated example, governance can be set so that:


Implementing MDM involves aprocess a process of determining where the data records are stored are stored (whether it's the MDM Data Store or Federated MDM) and managing who (a person or a system) has read, write, update, and delete privileges to those systems. 

Data Records vs Master Data

Data Where data records are the latest, most recent version of a record . They are stored in many systems connected to YOUnite, including the YOUnite Data Store. Master data is a process performed by an organization's data governance to establish which of these systems will be considered to contain the "record of truth" for a given data domain. It master data is data in a particular domain or a particular element that has been declared the Record of Truth. It's not always necessary or appropriate for systems to access the an organization's master data, as many . Many data access requests are for data records that may or may not contain master data. However, one feature of YOUnite is has the ability to propagate changes from a system that contains data records to others in the YOUnite eco-system ecosystem on a permission-appropriate basis (i.e. governance).


  • Access Control Lists (ACLs) The defined access limit to MDM data records   Data controls that control inbound/outbound messages for any given system, application, or role.
  • Adaptor Applications, modules, or some software or hardware component that transforms data from one format to another so that the data can be consumed by another system  Software located within a system that shares data through the YOUnite Data Hub and acts as the connection point between a system and the YOUniteData Hub. It focuses on ETL (Extract, Transform, and Load) functions, ensuring the outbound data from a system meets the YOUnite Data Hub format requirements, transforming inbound data from the hub into what other systems require.
  • Data Domain (Domain)A set   A domain refers to a data entity such as student, course, or customer, etc. and is defined by the parties responsible for data governance. It is a set of fields or properties that define a set of data (i.e. the "Customer" data is comprised of the  a domain may be a "Student" that includes data (properties) such as student name, address, and phone number propertiesetc.).
  • Data Governance Governance  Managing data access (i.e. who accesses certain data sets based on role, application, etc. defining where the Master Data is stored).
  • Data Integration (DI) The   The process of transforming and transferring data from one system to anotherkeeping data up to date between disparate systems.
  • Data Record  The latest (most recent) version of a given record. More technically, JSON objects in motion that follow the data domain model schema of the MDM ecosystem.
  • Federated MDM Whereby the latest change to a record is noted in one of the organization's systems without actually storing the data in YOUnite (in the YOUnite MDM data store)  An MDM model in which the data handled through MDM is not stored centrally in the Data Hub but instead a reference to the data is stored that points to the the source system where the data hub can retrieve the data. 
  • Master Data (MD)  The master or golden version of a record (for a customer, for example). The "record of truth."" as declared by a Data Governance Steward (DGS) or Zone Data Steward (ZDS).
  • Master Data Management (MDM)  An approach to reducing data redundancy across systems by maintaining a master file for critical data. MDM is the process of describing and cataloging data inside of an organization and understanding which stakeholders value which sources of data.
  • YOUnite Data Store  Whereby the latest change to a record is saved inside of YOUnite (in the YOUnite MDM domain). Store/MDM Data Store  A centralized store natively connected to the YOUnite Data Hub that holds data records. The domains configured for this data store are locked in as the source of master data for that domain in the Tenant.
  • YOUnite Data Hub  The scaleable web application that handles the API and message broker requests through which adaptors and the YOUnite API consumers communicate.

Further Reading

An good source for more MDM background is Mark Allen and Cervo Dalton's Multi-domain Master Data Management: Advanced MDM and Data Governance in Practice. Waltham, MA: Morgan Kaufmann, 2015. (ISBM 978-0-12-800835-5).
