Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  1. POST the Domain
  2. POST a Domain Version
  3. POST (or Map if it was is a federated data domain) the Data record


  1. POST the Domain 

    For example, to create a simple "states" domain :

    POST /domains

    Code Block
    	"name": "states",
    	"description": "A reference domain of states that should be referenced by all applications in the local YOUnite ecosystem",
    	"zoneUuid": "a1aca070-846f-44e5-9471-c73b46c35f4a",
    	"domainType": "MDM_DATA_STORE"

    The location header returned provides the URI for POSTing a domain version below.



       Location /domains/7f28180b-7d9f-42b5-b5ed-d4a0e7ec09fc

  2. POST a Domain Version

    POST /domains/versions/7f28180b-7d9f-42b5-b5ed-d4a0e7ec09fc

    Code Block
    	"displayProperty": "abbreviation",
    	"uniquenessRules": "abbreviation",
    	"description": "A reference list of states in the North American States: USA, Mexico and Canada",
    	"modelSchema" {
    		"properties": {
    			"name": {
    				"type": "string",
    				"description": "The state's official name",
    				"min": 2,
    				"max": 80,
    				"required": true
    			"abbreviation": {
    				"type": "string",
    				"description": "The state's official abbreviation",
    				"min": 2,
    				"max": 2,
    				"required": true

  3. POST Data Records to the Domain

    Once the domain/version has been created, data records can be POSTed to it using the /dr endpoint:

    POST /drs

    Code Block
    	"name": "states",
    	"version": 1,
    	"json": {
    		"name" : "California", 
    		"abbreviation" : "CA"

Retrieving Data Records

The data recordds records for a the default version of a domain can be retrieved with the following:


  • MDM provides uniqueness rules to prevent data record duplication prevention in the case where a simple displayProperty won't suffice.
  • Optionally, specify a comma-separated list of domain properties whose values, in aggregate, must be unique across all the data records for the domain.
  • If not provided, MDM will use the displayProperty as the uniquenessRules.
  • Uniqueness rule properties are limited to type STRING
  • Values in uniquenessRules properties are case sensitive e.g. "California" is NOT equal to "california"


If the list is long, some adaptors that are associated with the domain might not contain all of the properties and will be unable to add new records to a data domain.

It is important that for an a service associated with a domain that it should have the scope governance through ACLs to create data records for a domain, . And that it stores or has access to all of the properties that are defined with the "required" optoin option and that are part of the uniqueness rules list.


  • Must start with a letter or "\_" (underscore).
  • Can only contain digits, "-" (dash) and "\_" (underscore) only.
  • Can be up to 64 characters in length.
  • Are case in-sensitive.
  • If two properties have the same name at the same level only one will be used. In Example 1 below, only one name "property" will be used. In Example 2, both will be used  because "name" occurs at different levels in the JSON structure.



Types of enums:

  • int: A numeric whole number.
  • number: A numeric, decimal number with up to 15 bits of precision.
  • string: A string of character variables. 
  • uri: A cross-reference to another domain; use in conjunction with xrefLocation.

If enumType is set to uri then xrefLocation points to the domain that makes up the elements of the enumeration.

For example, if a version of a domain "countries"contains a list of data record values that represent all countries then a domain can reference it by specifying an enumeration type of uri and the desired domain and version number:

enumType: uri

xrefLocation: /domains/countries:v1

A subset of the data record values in the domain can be specified using the data property.


An array containing a comma separated list of enum values.

e.g.    "data":["Mays", "McCovey", "Marichal"]

Is a three-item string enumeration.

If the enumType is uri the list of values in the xrefLocation can be limited to the subset of data records whose display values contained in the data array. For example, if /domains/countries:v1 contains a list of all countries but the domain should only reference countries in North America, then the data entries would be:

  "data":["CANADA", "USA", "MEXICO"]

Assuming the display values for Canada, the United States and Mexico are those shown above in the data elements.

defaultIf the item is not provided or is null, the default value is used.
requiredA non-null value for this item must be provided (false by default).
descriptionA human-readable description of the property.


See type enum and the data property to limit the cross-reference to a subset of the domain's data records (e.g. if a domain "Company" exists of with all Global 1000 companies, an enumeration of EU_Companies could be created referencing only the Global 1000 companies in the European Union).
