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CCCApply Release v.6.17.0 will be deployed:

  • To pilot environment: September 26, 2024

  • To production: September 27, 2024


No database changes or data delivery changes were made in this release.



On This Page

Table of Contents

Release Summary

  • Change to Fraud Status Logic for IDme Verified & Staff Verified

  • Improvements to the Application Submission Code

  • Other Release News

Change to Fraud Status Logic for IDme Verified/Staff Verified

Several updates were made to the CCCApply Spam Filter and prediction service.


Due to security concerns,

specifics on these changes will not be made public but can be detailed in upcoming private Spam Committee Meetings and provided in secure email to authorized college staff.


If you have any questions about the discontinuation of the CCCApply download process and/or the delivery of application data through the Superglue College Adaptor, please contact your CCCTC College Experience Manager (CEM) at

Technical Updates & Bug Fixes

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Resolved Issue

Notes & Detail


Bug Fix

Text Fix

release notes specifying changes to the Fraud ML model, prediction service, or the CCCApply Spam Filter are not published to the field - outside of the private Fraud/Spam group in - or discussed in CCCApply Spam Committee meetings (invitation only).

A change was made to the Fraud Status fieldlogic. Beginning with 6.17.0 production release, all Standard Applications will be processed through the Fraud ML prediction service and given a fraud score <fraud_score>, including the applications that have an <idme_workflow_status> = “verified” or “staff-verified” (Fraud Status = 7).  These applications had previously bypassed the fraud service. The change to the logic is as follows:

  1. Regardless of <idme_workflow_status> value: 

    1. If the fraud score is greater than the max threshold (> .25), then, set  the <fraud_status> = 3 (CHECKED FRAUD) and suspend the application in the CCCApply spam filter for processing by the college. 

  2. If the <idme_workflow_status> = “verified” or “staff_verified”, and 

    1. If the fraud score is under the max threshold (< .25) then: set the <fraud_status> = 7 (CHECKED NOT FRAUD), do not suspend the application in the spam filter  and allow the app to be delivered to the college.


Need More Information? See the Jira ticket here: OPENAPPLY-10526

Technical Improvements to Application Submission Code

Improvements were made to the CCCApply Application Submission code to better identify and troubleshoot failed transactions and implement better error prefix tagging, etc.

Prior to these improvements, it could sometimes take hours for our development teams to determine a root cause of an issue when errors occur in production and applications start to fail during the submission process. With these improvements, it should take only minutes versus hours to identify errors and root causes.




Help? Colleges can reach CCCTC Staff Support at for assistance.Other Release News

More Information? See the Jira ticket here: OPENAPPLY-10509

Upcoming Releases

The following products and services have been updated this summer 2024 by the CCC Technology Center.

CCC Data Warehouse - Summer 2024 Release

The CCCTC develops and maintains the CCC Data Warehouse, the CCC Data Warehouse Report Server (DWRS) and the CCC Data Warehouse Direct Connect. These services were updated in July/August 2024.

  • The Data Warehouse Report Server (DWRS) server was updated with the latest stability patches and several updates were made to the following reports: Community College Promise Grant (CCPG) report and Bi-directional Fraud Reports (BDFR).

  • Several updates were made to the following datasets within DW Direct Connect: Chancellor's Office Curriculum Inventory (COCI) dataset, Course ID (C-ID) dataset, list of current colleges and districts, and replica datasets.

    CCCApply 6.18.0

    The next CCCApply release (v.6.18.0) is scheduled for early October 2024.

    • Minor Change to SSN Question Text (Equity/AB 540)

    • Bug Fixes

    • College Logo Updates

    For more information see the release notes here: Release 2024 CCC Data CCCApply Release 6.18.0 Summary Notes

    OpenCCC 2.4.0

    An OpenCCC release (v.2.94.0

    SuperGlue & College Adaptor Updates

    Several improvements were made in July 2024 to enhance the reliability of application delivery within the conductor workflow system. No schema updates

    Data Access & Delivery


    There are no new or deprecated data fields being implemented in this release that requires a schema update for Superglue or the College Adaptor. The information below provides general information about CCCApply data access and delivery.

    Superglue for Apply

    As new features and functionality are developed for CCCApply and other systemwide technology applications, it may be necessary for colleges to upgrade their existing Superglue College Adaptor schema to the latest version. For information about the Superglue College Adaptor and your current schema version, please contact your College Experience Manager at Enabling Services for assistance.

    Data Warehouse Access

    All CCCApply and Student Success Suite data fields are ultimately stored in the CCC Data Warehouse which can be accessed directly via the Data Warehouse Direct Access Connection service and/or, for authorized admins and staff, through the Data Warehouse Report Server.


    Reminder:The CCCApply Download Client reached end-of-life on June 30, 2023. and the service is no longer support) is also scheduled for early October 2024.

    • Major Keycloak System Update

    • Bug Fixes

    • College Logo Updates

    For more information see the release notes here: OpenCCC Release 2.4.0 Summary Notes

    SuperGlue 5.0 & 5.1

    Two Superglue releases are pending for early October. More information and links will be added here.


    No data element changes were made in this release. The latest CCCApply Data Dictionaries and User Guides are posted in the CCCApply Public Documentation space.

    CCCApply Data Dictionaries & User Guides


    Doc Version / FILE


    Last Release

    Last Doc Published

    CCCApply Standard & Noncredit Application Data Dictionary



    CCCApply v.6.16

    August 2024

    2024-2025 CC Promise Grant Online Application Data Dictionary



    CCCApply v.6.14.4

    August 2024

    CCCApply International Application Data Dictionary



    CCCApply v.6.14.4

    August 2024

    SuperGlue for Apply Data Table Mappings


    CCCApply v.6.14.4

    April 2024

    Documentation Sites