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Please note: Chrome is the only supported browser for COCI, and the system operates best using this browser.

Ticket #CategoryDescriptionStatus
CC-1317Browser RequirementThe new format for Governing Board Approval Date only appears when using Chrome browser. If you are signed in with IE, Safari, Firefox,or Edge this formatting will not be "forced" by the system, and user may encounter incorrect dates and/or whoops errors, resulting in submission data not being retained, and requiring that the user start the submission over. To correct for this, please use Chrome as your only browser for COCI.  
CC-1020User Experience - Add Courses ScreenIf the former "Add Courses" pop up screen displays, with only one search field, then you will need to clear the cashe on your browser. If you are using Chrome, click the three dots to the right of the browser address bar, (alternately, select "Settings")> select "More Tools"> then "Clear Browsing Data". Check "Cached images and files" and "Cookies and other site data", then click "Clear Browsing Data" button. Re-enter your login to load the new "Add Courses" screen with multiple search fields.
CC-1258User ExperienceNumeric Control Number searches will return results even if complete Control Number is not entered (field accepts partials), in both Programs and Courses. This is also the case, with Courses with no Control Numbers (YYYYYYYYYYYY).  You may enter YYY (or partial version of the displayed 'placeholder' code) with Ys.  However this is not the case on the Programs page.  For Programs with with no Control Number, but a "placeholder" of YYYYY, the Control Number field will only accept 5 Ys; No results will be returned with fewer than 5 Ys.
CC-1158User ExperienceActive, Approved, Revision, Review, and Submitted statuses will display in Public Reports for Programs, however, only Active and Inactive pull into "Export to Excel" - other statuses do not export into the report.  
Currently, the status "Withdraw" is available within the drop-down status menu, though unnecessary.  
Additionally, further discovery of whether "Draft" proposals with a Control Number (non-sub changes that have been withdrawn and are being edited) should also appear.  
Development for the Courses Public Reports pages also will be addressed in future releases.

CC-1234User ExperienceWhen you select the "Add Another Document" button, details from the first documents are currently being pre-populated by the system into the second document fields. All new fields should be empty. These pre-populated boxes will not cause any errors, nor should any document be attached that is not specifically added by the user.  
Additionally, please note that if a user clicks "Add Another Document", but does not complete all of the fields, no document will be saved/attached, even though the screen indicates that the document was saved successfully.  If the fields are not completed by user, no document will be saved.  
Two new tickets have been created to address these two issues related to "Add Another Document" and will be addressed in a future release.
CC-1296User Experience

If a reviewer, within the dashboard/queue, clicks "Review" on a proposal that is not in Review status (such as a Revision proposal), then the error message "Warning: Program is not in review status. Status: Revision" displays. This is an appropriate warning.  However, if Reviewer then clicks "Return to Queue", that warning message is retained on the Dashboard/Queue. This message should no longer display once user leaves the Review Program/Course Screen.Additionally, if Reviewer clicks "Review" from a Course or Program in "View" mode from the main Courses and Programs screen, and the Course or Program is not in "Review" status, this message will be retained as the user is redirected back to the Dashboard/Queue.

Workflow - Return to QueueWhen "Return to Queue", or any other button is pressed, which returns to the dashboard, the filters and sorting are all gone. Search criteria is deleted.  This was addressed in 1.6, but with the new functions (buttons) that were created, the filters and sorting are no longer retained. CC-1376 has been created to address this bug, to be addressed in a future sprint.

Workflow - Edits to Approved/ Active Programs, Reviewer Queue.After a Program is Approved by a Reviewer, if the college makes another non substantial change and submits it, the proposal in "Submitted" status will be sent directly to a Reviewer's dashboard with "Submitted" status. This new submission should remain as "Submitted" in the Main Programs page, with an "Add to Queue" option available for the reviewer, and should only be added to a Reviewer's queue when Reviewer selects this action. Edited and Submitted proposal should not automatically go into the previous Reviewer's queue.
CC-1332Workflow - Substantial ChangeEdits to Units for Degree Major or Area of Emphasis Minimum/Maximum should not be considered a substantial change for Programs.  However, a substantial change is currently being triggered by edits to Units for Degree Major or Area of Emphasis Minimum/Maximum, causing a new Drat proposal to be generated, and triggering a new Control Number when one is not expected.  CC-1332 has been created to address this incorrect workflow, causing a sub change, and the issue will be addressed in a future release.
CC-1253Data QualityThere was a period of time where CB03 and CB09 had the sub change flag disabled. Proposals that should have generated sub changes when these data elements were updated, didn't, and the proposal was able to be saved without a new Control Number assigned. A list of proposals impacted by this bug needs to be generated and the system needs to automatically update the proposal to force the substantial change through to allow the local system, MIS and COCI to align for reporting.
NOTE: Users are able to edit these proposals now and the sub change process will occur. If the user wants to manually update the record s/he should edit the proposal, return the values to the original, save, and then go back into edit mode and update the values accordingly. The new record will go into submitted status if non credit, and approved if a credit course, and a new CCN will be assigned by MIS.
A report has been generated however the automatic updates have not been confirmed as completed.
Research and Development is continuing and will be included in a future release.
CC-1358Data Validation - TOP Code ChangesTOP Code changes within the same discipline are currently triggering a substantial change, even through this should be considered a non-sub change.  If you need to change your TOP Code please either wait for this to be addressed at the top of 2018, or please email a support ticket to and give the details pertaining to the proposals you wish to change.  Please provide all non-sub changes that you wish to make.

Data Validation - Certificate of AchievementValidation message appears when modifying a Certificate of Achievement, notifying user that Degree AOE Units Min/Max and Degree Units are required when award type is C.  Please note that entering 0.00 into these fields should allow user to submit the Certificate.CC-1363 has been created to address this incorrect validation message.

Workflow - Hold StatusActive Courses that are changes by the systems into HOLD status should be reported via email support request to  Typically HOLD proposals need to be reactivated.  Please let the Tech Center know if you expect a different status than Active, and this will be manually updated this for the requesting college.  A future enhancement will be submitted to remove this workflow form the system.
CC-1142User ExperienceCOCI Upload has been modified to align with MIS process time zone (UTC not Pacific Time), and Control Numbers should be issues in one business day.  However, some screens (e.g.: Program History) still have a mismatch of time zones.  This causes dates to often show as + or - 8 hours, which can modify the History's date on record.  This is being researched for future development so that all the zones can be aligned on all pages.
CC-1117User ExperienceDuring testing, users reported that not all field types in the history tables were updated with the 'narrative explanation' of the old and new values.  Some field types still contained the 'codes' instead of 'narrative explanations'.
Future EnhancementWorkflowWhen reactivating a course or program, the proposal will be returned to "Draft" status and the user will need to resubmit the proposal and a the justification field will be required. Even if the proposal contains no changes other than the justification response since it was last active, the proposal will go through the review and approval workflow specific to that proposal type. All program activations will go in the status of "Submitted" for CCCCO review, as will noncredit courses. Credit courses with no changes will go into "Approved" with the original control number and can then be changed to active. 
CC-1250Workflow - Approval LettersApproval letters are not currently being generated for noncredit courses and programs. This functionality is planned for an upcoming release. A future release will also contain a solution to regenerate approval letters for any legacy submissions that have missing or corrupt attachments for the previously generated approval letter. CC-1310 has been created
Future EnhancementData ValidationWhen attempting to remove documents from proposals that do not have all required data elements completed, the red box indicating required fields that need to be completed will appear at the top of the screen. The user will need to correct any required data elements, and successfully save the proposal, before the user is able to go back into edit mode and remove the attachments. 
CC-1275Data Validation - Non Credit HoursUsers are required to enter min and max contact hours as part of a course submission. The calculation of hours to units occurs even when the CB04 selection is noncredit. A future release will contain additional logic to turn off the calculation when the course has a CB04 non credit selection. Until then, users should write over the calculated results in CB06 and CB07 with 0.00 when non credit is selected for CB04
CC-1276Data Validation - Non Credit HoursA subsequent release will auto update the min and max contact hours for courses that have a CB04 selection of non credit. The legacy fields of min/max lecture and min/max lab will be added together and populated in the new min/max contact hours fields. This only applies to courses with a CB04 selection of non credit. 
Future EnhancementData ValidationWhen creating a certificate, validation will occur requiring that "The degree major aoe units min field is required when award is C." "The degree major aoe units max field is required when award is C." "The degree units min field is required when award is C.The degree units max field is required when award is C.  The same error messages will appear for Award Type "B".  The fields will accept 0.00 as a response.  These fields should not be required at all, and should populate with 0.00 if left blank.  This will be addressed in a future release.  Until the time, 0.00 should be populated in those fields.
Future EnhancementData ValidationOn a noncredit program, when program goal is CTE, data validation requires Net Annual Labor Demand, which only applies to credit CTE programs.  This will be addressed in a future release.
