Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
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  • Formatting was changed.

This guide is for the Data Warehouse Report Server (CCC Data 2.2.0) released to production on January 27, 2023.


  1. On the Home page, click Create in the Reports block. The Create Report wizard opens.

  2. Select the Ad Hoc view you want to use as the basis for your report.

  3. Select a report template. To use a template other than the default, select Custom Report Template, click Browse and select the desired template. See Report Templates for more information.

  4. Click OK. If asked, enter the input controls needed. See Using Input Controls.



See the online help topic under the Reports workflow View tutorial link. At around the 3:35 mark the tutorial begins to demonstrate scheduling a report.

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Part 4: Creating Custom Ad Hoc Views & Reports


  1. Click the chart icon in the tool bar in the Ad Hoc Editor to display the “Select Visualization Type” dialog box.

  2. Click on the Table icon - or your preferred type - to highlight your selection.

  3. Click the “Apply and Close” button to save your change.


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Working with Tables

This section explains how to populate, edit, and format your table type report view, including:



For more reportformatting tips, such as managing column sizes and adding spacing to your table-type report, see Working With Tables section of the JasperReports Server v7 User Guide.



Creating Filters with Relative Dates

You can filter information in your view based on a date range relative to the current system date. You can accomplish this using date-based filters, and entering a text expression describing the relative date or date span you want to display, using the format <Keyword>+/-<Number> where:

  • Keyword indicates the time span you want to use. Options include: DAY, WEEK, MONTH, QUARTER, SEMI, and YEAR. An option used by itself (without +/-<Number>) gives the current value for that option.

  • or - indicates whether the time span occurs before or after the chosen date.

  • Number indicates the number of the above-mentioned time spans you want to include in the filter.

For example, if you want to see all of the CC Promise Grant Applications submitted during the prior week, your expression would be: WEEK-1.

Steps to create a relative date filter:

Following the instructions in Using Filters, create a filter based on a date field. The filter appears in the Filters panel.


General Best Practice


View/Report Organization

  • Keep your Views organized in folders that have the word "View" in their name to make the Views easier to find

  • Keep your reports organized in folders that have the word "Reports" in their name to make the reports easier to find

  • Use the same name for the View as you do for its corresponding Report but include "View" or "Report" in its name to further help with organization

When Creating a View by Copying an Existing View

  • Only copy a report's View if you need to edit or customize it; otherwise, always run a Public report from the Public folder in the Repository

  • When copying or customizing an existing View, add the word "Report" or "View" onto the end of the new name to keep the report/View distinction clear

  • If you want to keep the original View when making changes, use the Save As button to save the View with a different name and then make your changes (and use the Description field in the Save As dialog box to add information)

  • Public reports and their Views cannot be edited or deleted (though in some reports you may have the option to filter out certain data from the displayed results)

  • Remember: If you change a View, you will need to create/run a report from it in order to see the changes in report form

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Creating New Ad Hoc Reports

There are two ways to create a new custom or customize a report:


This section may reference features and functionality covered in the Working with the Ad Hoc Editorand the Working with Tables sections. Please refer to


those sections as needed.

Copy and Customize An Existing Report View



Important: To make a change to a saved Report, you must make the change to its original View in the Ad Hoc Editor.

Copy Steps:

  1. Log in to the Data Warehouse Report Server.

  2. Locate the View file that you want to copy from a folder in the Repository, or in the Library, and click on it.

  3. Copy: With the file name highlighted, copy it using one of the following methods:

    1. Click the Copy button in the tool bar.

    2. Right-click the file name and select Copy from the context menu.

  4. Paste the copy into a folder available to you in the Repository (one of your college or district organization folders).



You can now customize your new View copy as desired, and save it with a new name. See more Save & Export options below.

Customize & Save View Steps:

  1. Locate the new file you just copied, and click on it. Click the Open button. The View will open in the Ad Hoc Editor.

  2. If desired, you can customize the new View you just copied or saved by using the functional controls in the Ad Hoc Editor. Customization options include:

    • Add or remove data Columns to your format

    • Add or remove Groups to your format

    • Add or remove Filters to further analyze your data

    • Reorder the columns by dragging the tabs in the Columns or Groups rows.

    • See the Working with Tables section above for help using the functionality in the Ad Hoc Editor.

  3. When you are ready to save your new View, hover over the Save icon in the tool bar to display the menu options available.

  4. Select Save Ad Hoc View As...

  5. When the Save As dialog box displays:

    1. Edit the Data View Name (required).

    2. Edit the Data view Description field (optional).

    3. Scroll through the list of available Organizations folders to select which folder you want to save your college's report View.

    4. Click Save.



Review the section The Ad Hoc Editorsectionabove to revisit the components and functionality of the Ad Hoc Editor



Reminder: In order to create a new ad hoc report, you must first design the report in the Ad Hoc Editor and save it as a View. Then it can be saved and run as a report.

Create New Ad Hoc View Steps:

  1. Log in to the Data Warehouse Report Server.

  2. From the main menu, select Create > Ad Hoc View to display the Select Data dialog box.



Data Warehouse-related specific data sources have contain a "DW" in the name of the source and "Topic" as a part of their name.



Before you begin adding fields, measures and other customization customizations to your new ad hoc View, select a view typefrom the “Select Visualization Type” dialog box.


Support Using the Report Server

Contact College Support ( to report technical issues with the Data Warehouse Report Server - or visit our online community support site ,


For more help using the Data Warehouse Report Server, please refer to the onlineHelpdocumentation available from the provider TIBCO Jaspersoft.

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Part 5: Report Templates

The Data Warehouse Report Server is a structured source of master data that can be used to generate the reports, templates, data marts, and analytics that end-users need.



Helpful Tip: When saving the details of your custom Ad Hoc View and corresponding Report, keep the names and descriptions the same - or very similar - so you can identify the pair if you want to update your report in the future. Remember that every report is based on its original View, and if you want to change your report you need to make the changes in the corresponding View, and then save the changes as a new report.

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