Versions Compared


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(blue star) GraphQL provides a complete and understandable description of the data in your API, allowing [colleges] the power to ask for exactly what they need, nothing more and nothing less. GraphQL queries always return predictable results. Apps using GraphQL are fast and stable because they control the data they get, not the server.

Querying Fraud Report Data


An option for colleges that have not yet implemented the SuperGlue College Adaptor is to query fraud data information specific to their college directly using the Fraud Data API. The schema specifies this operation as FraudReportQuery type query, the interface for retrieving a FraudReport object comprised of a ten field payload response for an individual student and/or application.


The FraudReport object currently contains the following 10 ten fields:

  • appId!

  • cccId!

  • recipientMisCode!

  • reportedByMisCode!

  • submitTiimestamp!

  • fraudType

  • ccpgAid

  • federalAid

  • localAid

  • otherAid


Learn more information about the FraudReport fields and query objects in the SuperGlue API: Terminology & Data Element Dictionary.

The FraudReportQuery Operation

CCCTC has provided templates for three variations of the FraudReportQuery operationthat can be used to query fraud data for one or more authorized MIS codes. Each variation is configured with a specific input argument (variable) that can be customized to return all or some of the ten different FraudReport data fields in the payload response.

The three FraudReportQuery query variations are:

Use this operation…

that requires the…



“RecipientMisCode!” field as the input variable

Return a list of FraudReport responses for a specified MIS code.


“AppId!” field as the input variable

Return a FraudReport response for a specific student Application.


“CCCID!” field as the input variable

Return a FraudReport response for a specific student CCCID.

(blue star) To learn more about better understand the syntax for these variable definitions, it's useful to learn the GraphQL schema language. The schema language is , explained in detail on the Schema page.

Image Modified

For most districts, The majority of multi-college districts will find the “withRecipientMisCode” query variation will likely to be the most useful and commonly used and appropriate, as the district or colleges will be retrieving information about the applications, or CCCIDs of the applicants, that have submitted applications to their institution’s variation for retrieving information on fraudulent applications submitted to one or more colleges in their district mis code.

Below is an example of a basic request using the FraudReportQuery:withRecipientMisCode query where one or more additional input variables are being used in addition to the “recipientMisCode”.

Code Block
curl --location --request POST '' \
  --header 'Authorization: Bearer eyJhb' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data-raw '{"query":"query FraudReportQuery {\n  FraudReportQuery {\n    withRecipientMisCode {\n      submitTimestamp\n      cccId\n      reportedByMisCode\n      recipientMisCode\n      appId\n      fraudType\n      federalAid\n      ccpgAid\n      localAid\n      otherAid\n    }\n  }\n}","variables":{}}'
