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By integrating the SuperGlue API to identify and share fraud data, colleges will be able to effectively extend the functionality of their own SIS systems and resources for increased efficiency. This is essential not only for meeting fraud reporting requirements, but decreasing overall costs and increasing time savings. Districts are encouraged to use this API for development within their own internal SIS system.

The API can also be used ad hoc to perform the three primary workflow operations:

  • Submit fraud information to a CCCTC centralized database

  • Receive fraud notifications to a dedicated staging table using the College Adaptor

  • Query the fraud database directly via the API

Eventually through continuous improvement, the API will be extended to also support other types of fraud data, including financial aid fraud. Participating districts are provided the Fraud Data API schema (GraphQL-based, described further below) and authorized access to the API during the implementation process with the CCCTC.

Enabling bi-directional use of SuperGlue, whenever a college suspects or identifies admission application, enrollment, or financial aid fraud, information about that application can be shared with the CCC Tech Center, which in turn can suspend or block the profile effectively protecting all other colleges automatically.

Reporting Fraud Data Via API



Authorized access to the API is restricted to individual MIS code(s). Account credentials identifying the specific college’s MIS code are provided by the CCCTC provided by the CCCTC during the implementation process.

Eventually through continuous improvement, the API will be extended to also support other types of fraud data, including financial aid fraud. Participating districts are provided the Fraud Data API schema (GraphQL-based, described further below) and authorized access to the API during the implementation process with the CCCTC.


The Fraud Data APISchema

The schema is one of the most important concepts when working with a GraphQL API. It specifies the capabilities of the API, the shape of the available data, and the specific queries and mutation functions that can be used to read, write, and make web requests from a GraphQL server.

The Fraud Data API schema defines the fraud data operations currently available to execute. The FraudQuerySubmit typemutationprovidesthe operation and data structure for submitting a fraud report to the CCCTC for a CCCApply Application (AppId) or a student ID (CCCID). The FraudReportQuery operation provides the structure for retrieving fraud data via the API.

The schema is provided to colleges in documentation and the following supporting resources in which to explore the Fraud Data API:


Apollo API documentation & sandbox (see links below)


Query examples for each operation


the API.

(lightbulb) By providing districts direct access to the [Fraud Data]API schema, the CCCTC has effectively empowered the colleges with the ability to create and generate a user interface of their own, for example, that could be used to implement a more automated process for dealing with fraud application data. Or they can simply use Postman and the files configured for the Fraud Data API that are provided, to educate themselves on the GraphQL API or visualize the data structure.


(lightbulb) By providing districts direct access to the [Fraud Data]API schema, the CCCTC has effectively empowered the colleges with the ability to create and generate a user interface of their own, for example, that could be used to implement a more automated process for dealing with fraud application data. Or they can simply use Postman and the files configured for the Fraud Data API that are provided, to educate themselves on the GraphQL API or visualize the data structure.

Using Postman with the Fraud Data API






is an API platform designed to “easily explore, debug, and test your complex API requests for HTTP, REST, SOAP, GraphQL, and WebSockets. The Postman client also includes built-in support for authentication protocols like OAuth 1.2/2.0, AWS Signature, Hawk, and more.” The CCCTC recommends using Postman as the preferred API client tool for interacting with the Fraud Data API. Learn more in the Postman Learning Center.


(blue star) Postman supports working with GraphQL


Advantages of Using Postman:

CCCTC highly recommends using Postman when interacting with the Fraud Data API. The advantages of Links to download and install Postman are provided in the Implementation Process section of this guide. In addition, a custom Postman collection (of files) can be imported containing your college OAuth configuration and ready-to-use fraud report queriestemplates.


College Implementation Process
