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With your API account created with the proper credentials in place, the request below returns a JSON block including an “access_token” field. This token becomes the Bearer token required in the Authorization head for secured requests to the API. (Reminder: Your API account is provided by the CCCTC during the implementation process.)


Once Postman is installed and the two Fraud Report Postman Collection files have been imported and configured with your API account credentials and environment specifications, the process for generating and refreshing your access token is managed on the Fraud Report OAuth tab. Once generated, Postman stores the token as the Bearer in the Authorization head for all secured API requests.

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On the Fraud Report OAuth tab.

Step 1: In your Postman Workspace, click on the Collections button icon to expand the Fraud Report collection.

Step 2: Click on the Fraud Report OAuth file to open the tab in your Workbench.

Step 3: Ensure the appropriate environment is selected.

In the adjacent example, the “GraphQL:Pilot” environment is selected (active).

Step 4: Click the Send button to generate the access token.


Access Token

The 'access_token” becomes the Bearer required in the Authorization head for secured requests to the API. (Reminder: Your API account is provided by the CCCTC during the implementation process.)

Each time you refresh your authorization




the new ‘access_token’ is


automatically saved to the header for the next API operation you intend to execute.

Each token expires in 300 seconds (5 mins).


Submitting a Fraud Report Via API

The primary objective function of the API is to enable colleges to report suspected or identified fraudulent admission applications to the CCCTC so they which can be used to identify, notify, and prevent the individual (CCCID) from committing additional fraud against our colleges in the future.

The FraudReportSubmit Operation

The process for submitting fraud reports to the CCCTC is defined in the Fraud Data API schema defines this process as the FraudReportSubmit operation, which is a query mutation that requires an Input argument (FraudReportSubmitInput!) where at least one input field variable is required and a basic payload response is provided (FraudReportSubmitPayload).
