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In the first phase of the Fraud Data API development, the CCCTC has designed developed an API solution that supports the reporting of admission application data to a centralized database and the ability to run queries against that data using an authorized MIS code with an AppID or CCCID. Internally, an algorithm determines if a submitted fraud application report also impacts another college in the district. If so, Superglue is leveraged to notify that college of the suspected bad actor.

Districts are encouraged to utilize use this API in a custom process that works with their for development within their own internal SIS system.

The API can also be used ad hoc to to and a series of processes to between colleges across the system through perform the three primary workflow operations:


As colleges report fraud by application ID (AppID), the CCCTC executes a workflow to identify the individual associated to with the reported fraud (via their CCCID) and then locates any other submitted applications by that suspect CCCID. CCCTC then delivers these findings to the colleges that have also received a submitted application from that individual. These notifications are streamed to a new fraud-report staging table (for each college) via the SuperGlue College Adaptor. Each notification response will consist of the application ID (AppID), the applicant’s CCCID, and the MIS code of the college reporting the fraud (ReportedByMisCode).  Learn more about this process in the Receiving Fraud Notifications to a Staging Table section below.


Explore the API in the Apollo Sandbox

The Apollo Studio Sandbox is a web interface that supports Access to the Fraud Data API schema is available in the Apollo Sandbox to college IT staff for exploration of the Fraud Data API schema and metrics, and test the available API development, documentation, and testing of the Fraud Report operations. The schema A running instance of

(blue star) Access & explore the Fraud Data API schema is loaded in sandboxes for the Pilot and Production environments. the Apollo sandbox supports API development, documentation, testing and validation resources to use and interact with(blue star) Access & explore the Fraud Data API schema in each in each environment.



Fraud Data API Operations

(blue star) Reminder Recommended: Non-technical users have the option college staff are encouraged to use Postman for running each of the operations belowad hoc fraud reporting and queries. See /wiki/spaces/GLUEPD/pages/2851438610.



Non-technical Users: Click here to Use Postman to Get Your API Token

With your API account created and with the proper credentials in place, the request below returns a JSON block including an “access_token” field. This token becomes the Bearer token required in the Authorization head for secured requests to the API. (NoteReminder: An Your API account is configured provided by the CCCTC during the implementation process.)

Code Block
curl --location --request POST '<'> \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
  --data-urlencode 'username=mis-zz1-fraudreporter' \
  --data-urlencode 'password=Mis-zz1-fraudreporter' \
  --data-urlencode 'grant_type=password' \
  --data-urlencode 'client_id=fraudReporting'


Submitting a Fraud Report Via API

One of the The primary objectives objective of the Fraud Data API is to enable colleges to report information about suspected or identified fraudulent admission applications to the CCCTC (Fraud Report) in order to so they can identify and prevent the individual (CCCID) from committing additional fraud against the college, and other our colleges , in the future.

The FraudReportSubmit Operation

The Fraud Data API schema defines this process as the FraudReportSubmit type operation, which is a query mutation that requires a variable input argument of at least one field (FraudReportSubmitInput!) and generates also returns a response (FraudReportSubmitPayload). In most cases only the application ID (AppID) input field is truly needed; however additional fields can also be added as input variables to the operation.


(blue star) In GraphQL, the Mutation type is a special object type that is explicitly used to write or modify server-side data. Learn more about GraphQL mutations


The screenshot below shows an example of a basic fraud submit request being built in the Apollo sandbox.

Image Added

The FraudReportSubmit mutation is complete in the Operation section.


In the Documentation column, the Input argument - FraudReportSubmitInput - is selected and expanded showing the fields that can be used for the required input.

In the Variables table below the Operation, the “appId”


field as been selected as the only input variable


(currently displaying a null value).

Before submitting the request, a value must be entered in the “appId” input field (as shown below).

Image Added


Reminder: The user’s API account is configured with the appropriate authorized MIS code, which is identified in the access token and becomes part of the request head. The “appId” submitted in the request must correspond to the authorized account MIS code.

For user accounts authorized for multi-college districts, the operation must be modified to also include the “reportedByMisCode” field variable to specify which college in the district the fraud information (appId) is being submitted for (see example shown in the Variables table).


The example below submits a fraud report for application id (AppID) 34110.
