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Version 2.1 - Draft In-Progress - September

Version 2.1 - Draft In-Progress - September 01, 2021


General Overview

This College Portal Administration guide is intended for college administrators who want to:


Use one of the anchor links below to go through the steps of configuring your college theme.

  • Updating the College Header Background/Text Colors and Nav Menu Color

  • Updating the College Portal Background Image

  • Updating the College Logo Image and Content

Updating the College Header Background/Text Colors and Nav Menu Color


The college portal administrator manages content by creating specific portlets and then adding or removing them for specified user groups, applying portlet expiration dates, etc. The steps to do all of this are included within the instructions for creating each of the different portlets currently available, including:

  • Static Content & Registering Portlets

  • App Launchers

  • Surveys

  • Advisor Cards 

Portlet Basics

Anything that you create or configure to display inside your college portal is considered a portlet. A portlet is basically a "container" for the thing you are creating or configuring to display.

College portal administrators determine which groups can have access to any given portlet as well as configuring active and inactive date ranges for portlets, also known as the portlet lifecycle.

[ Suggest adding a graphical element here (generic) to help visualize a “portlet” ]

Portlet Lifecycle

The lifecycle for any portlet can be defined by the college administrator by selecting the options in the Lifecycle Management and optional Automatic Expiration sections. You control the status and display of any and all portlets for your college. 


  1. Navigate to Tenant Admin tab-> Portal Administration panel-> Manage portlets link to display the Portlet Registry screen.

  2. When you click the Edit link for a portlet the Edit Portlet screen will be displayed.

  3. Scroll down to the Lifecycle Management section and click the Option radio button that corresponds to the portlet state of Created, Approved, Published, Expired or Maintenance as needed. 

  4. If you want to set an optional expiration date for the portlet (only available when Approved or Published is selected), scroll down to the Automatic Expiration (optional) section and click in the Setting field to display a pop-up calendar where you can choose an expiration date. 

  5. After selecting the expiration date, drop-down list will be displayed so you can select the time (hour, minutes, and period of the day (AM or PM)) the portlet will expire. 

[ add all the screen shots in this section as needed ]

Note: When the selected date and time are reached, the portlet will no longer display in the Portal and its state will automatically revert to the Option of Expired.


  • Adding Static Content & Registering Portlets

  • Adding App Launchers

  • Adding Surveys

  • Adding Advisor Cards 

Adding Static Content & Registering Portlets


Note: The life cycle of the portlet can be modified as defined in the Portlet Lifecycle section.

18. Click Save and Configure to save your content portlet and display the Edit Portlet Configuration content Editor screen. 

19. Enter and format the content you want to display in the portlet. If you are familiar with HTML, CSS, or Javascript, you may edit the portlet's code by clicking the Source button. To embed a video in your new content portlet, see:

  • Embed a Video into a Content Portlet

  • Embed a Video with the OzPlayer Interface 

Note: CKEditor won't always keep code entered into it from Source exact, so having a local copy is important. 


22. To add your new content portlet to a tab, see: Adding Content to a Tab

Embed a Video into a Content Portlet 


5. From the Document to Assigned drop-down list, select the document you want attached to the content portlet. 


6. Click the Set button to attach the document to the content portlet.

7. To attach another document to the content portlet, select a different document from the Document to Assigned drop-down list, and click on the Set button. 

Removing a document from a Content Portlet

One or more documents previously added to content portlets can be removed.

1. Navigate to Tenant Admin tab -> Portal Administration panel ->Manage Public Documents link to display the Public Document List Admin screen.

2. From the Portlet Name drop-down list, select the content portlet you want to remove documents from.

Note: After a content portlet is selected from the Portlet Name drop-down list, the Portlet Details link is displayed. 

[ screen shot ]

3. Click the Portlet Details link to display the list of documents attached to the content portlet.

4. Within the Attached Documents sections, click the delete link of the corresponding document to be remove from the content portlet.

5. To remove additional documents from the content portlet, click the delete links of the corresponding documents you want to detach. 

Deleting a document from the Public Document List Administration

Documents previously uploaded and not attached to a content portlet or an advisor card task can be deleted from the Public Document List Administration portlet.

  1. Navigate to Tenant Admin tab -> Portal Administration panel ->Manage Public Documents link to display the Public Document List Admin screen.

  2. Click the trash icon for the corresponding document to remove from the list.

Note: If the document is attached to a content portlets, all associated to the document must be removed before it can be deleted. A list of portlets assigned to the document is displayed. 

[ screen shot ]

3. If a content portlet or multiple portlets are attached to the file you are trying to delete, click the trash icon for each content portlet attached to the document. 

Note: Once all of the associated content portlets are removed from the document, the Delete Document button will appear.

4. Click the Delete Document button. 

[ screen shot ]

Note: If the document is attached to an advisor card task, all associated tasks to the document must be removed before it can be deleted. 

App Launchers

An App Launcher is a portlet that launches an application in a detached window view.

Adding App Launchers

Use the following steps to create an App Launcher that you can add to your portal:

  1. Navigate to Tenant Admin tab -> Portal Administration panel -> Manage portlets link to display the Portlet Registry screen.

  2. Click the Register New Portlet button to display the Register New Portlet screen. 

[ screen shot ]

3. Select the App Launcher radio button and click the Continue button to display the Summary Information and Controls field groups. 

[ screen shot ]

4. Edit the value in the Portlet Title field. This is the public name for the portlet. It is the text used in navigational menus and searches. 

[ screen shot ]

Note: As you type the Portlet Title, the Portlet Name and Portlet Functional Name fields auto-populate with the same name. The Portlet Functional Name repeats the title as a lower-case, hyphenated version of the portlet title.

5. Optional Step: Enter a value in the Portlet Description field. The description is visible on the value you enter here can be used when searching for a portlet.

6. Click the Advanced Options link to expand and display the Principals and Categories configuration field group.

Note: Steps 7-10 are optional steps for editing the principals associated with the portlet.

The default principals and their permissions are:

  • College Administrators with Browse and Subscribe.

  • College Fragment Owners with Browse and Subscribe.

  • College Members with Browse and Subscribe.

7. Under the Principals and Categories section again, click the Edit Principals button to display the Select People and Groups screen.

8. Click the Add to Selection button for each group that you want to access this content portlet.

Note: The Add to Selection button toggles to display as Remove from Selection after you click it to select that group. The selected group displays in the Your Selections field on the right after you select it.

9. Click Save when done to save your changes and return to the Register New Portlet screen.

10. Select the appropriate checkbox permissions for each principal.

Note: Two different permissions govern users' access to portlets once they are published: BROWSE and SUBSCRIBE. 

SUBSCRIBE grants ability to use, render, run, exercise the content.

BROWSE grants ability to find the content in the user’s search.

  • Granting SUBSCRIBE and BROWSE yields a typical experience. Users can search and find the portlet, add it to their layout, and launch it.

  • Granting SUBSCRIBE but not BROWSE grants ability to use portlet but suppresses it from searches. Useful for a portlet you want students to use, such as the Nav Menu, but not find in their searches.

  • Granting BROWSE but not SUBSCRIBE grants ability to find the content, read about it, but not launch it or add it to your layout. This was intended to facilitate support and assistance use cases. Academic advisors might need to find, read about, see screenshots of, know the URL of, a portlet that summarizes a user's enrolled courses, say, even though those advisors do not themselves have courses.

  • Denying both BROWSE and SUBSCRIBE makes the content totally unavailable to the user. 

11. Click the Advanced Options link to expand and display the Principals and Categories configuration field group.

Note: Steps 12-14 are optional steps for editing the categories associated with the portlet. The default category is College Portlets.

12. Under the Principals and Categories section again, click the Edit Categories button to display the Select Categories screen.

13. Click the Add to Selection button for each of the categories in which you want the App Launcher to be available.

Note: The Add to Selection button toggles to display as Remove from Selection after you click it to select that category. The selected category displays in the Your Selections field on the right after you select it.

14. Click Save when done to save your changes and return to the Register New Portlet screen.

15. Click the Advanced Options link to expand and display the Display Settings configuration field group.

16. Scroll down to the Display Settings field group, click the Chrome Style drop-down list and select no-chrome

[ screen shot ]

17. Scroll down to the Lifecycle Management field group and select the Published radio button.

Note: The life cycle of the portlet can be modified as defined in the Portlet Lifecycle section.

18. Click Save and Configure to save your App Launcher portlet and display the Edit Portlet Configuration screen. 

[ screen shot ]

19. In the Edit Portlet Configuration screen, provide the following values:

  • Enter a value for the App URL. You must include https:// at the beginning of the URL.

Note: URLs can be set for App Launcher to pick up information about the user. Customized URLs going through the proxy can send the college's MIS Code as a parameter to an application. This can be done by appending ?cccMisCode=${user['cccMisCode']?:'000'} to the end of the URL. See the California Virtual Campus example below for more information: 

  • Click the Advanced URL Options button to display view-only information on Spring EL expression options.

  • From the Display drop-down list, select the option for the App Launcher window to open in the student's web browser:

    • Detached Window State o New Window o Same Window

  • Choose an icon from the Available Icons link for the Icon URL field, or click the Upload link to upload an icon. This icon will display on the App Launcher portlet.

  • Enter text in the Link Title, Title, and Subtitle fields. 

20. Click Save to save your configuration and return to the Portlet Registry screen with your App Launcher portlet displayed in the list of portlets.

Note: A green-highlighted message displays at the top of the screen confirming your registered App Launcher and includes a Manage DLM Fragments link.

21. Click the Manage DLM Fragments link to open the Fragment Administration screen.

22. To add your new App Launcher portlet to a tab, see Adding Content to a Tab.


Advisor Cards

Layout Management
