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  1. Do you store CCC ID in Alternate ID (on the mnemonic DADD) and if so, what are the Alternate ID type(s) that you use?
    1. If not, where do you store the CCC IDs (mnemonic and/or data field)?
  2. What residency status(es) identify California residents?
  3. What residency status(es) identify non-residents?
  4. What residency status(es) identify AB540 students (if any)?
    1. If these students are identified using another method, please indicate.
  5. What residency status(es) identify VACA students (if any)?
    1. If these students are identified using another method, please indicate.
  6. Do you identify concurrent enrollment students with a residency status or with a student type?
    1. If so, what are the residency status(es) or student type(s)?
    2. If these students are identified using another method, please indicate.
  7. Do you identify incarcerated students? If so how?
  8. When assigning a student to a cohort to identify them as a Course Exchange participant, there are two options for resolving which Academic Level to use. Please choose one:
    1. Use the first academic level assigned to the student (default)
    2. Always use a specific academic level (please specify):
    3. Note: By definition Course Exchange students are enrolling in credit courses. If you use Academic Levels to differentiate coursework by Credit, Non-credit and/or Community Ed you should probably use the second option to ensure that the cohort is assigned to their Credit Academic Level.

Cohort Questions

  1. When assigning students to a cohort to indicate Course Exchange, what should the two letter prefix of the cohort be? The default is CE, however, if you have other cohorts that start with the letters CE you might consider choosing a different two letter prefix such as CX.
    1. Note: the rest of the cohort is fixed and indicates term and year, ie CEF17 = Fall 2017

Matriculation Questions

  1. Orientation Matriculation Requirement
    1. Do you have a rule for registration that checks whether students have completed orientation? If so, what is the name of the rule or rules?
    2. If you do not identify these students using a rule, how do you identify them?
    3. If you are using SARS to track orientation, how often do you import this information into your SIS?
      1. Do you import the SARS data as a "contact" in the CASM / CON mnemonics?
  2. Assessment Requirement
    1. Do you have a rule for registration that checks whether students have completed assessment? If so, what is the name of the rule or rules?
    2. If you do not identify these students using a rule, how do you identify them?
    3. If you are using SARS to track assessment, how often do you import this information into your SIS?
      1. Do you import the SARS data as a "contact" in the CASM / CON mnemonics?
  3. Ed Plan Requirement
    1. Do you have a rule for registration that checks whether students have completed an ed plan? If so, what is the name of the rule or rules?
    2. If you do not identify these students using a rule, how do you identify them?
    3. If you are using SARS to track ed plans, how often do you import this information into your SIS?
      1. Do you import the SARS data as a "contact" in the CASM / CON mnemonics?
  4. Registration Priorities
    1. Does your current registration setup ensure that a student has completed all matriculation requirements before being assigned a registration priority date?
    2. Does your current registration setup ensure that during open registration a student has completed all matriculation requirements?
    3. How do you accommodate students who complete their matriculation requirements after registration priorities are first created for a term?
      1. Do you manually (or automatically) assign students registration priority dates as needed when they complete the requirements?
      2. If so, do you also manually (or automatically) update the SIS with the data that identifies that they have met the requirements?
