Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


EventEvent TypeDefault ScopeAdditional Payload
A zone is createdZONE_POSTALLnone
A zone is updatedZONE_PUTALLnone
A zone is deletedZONE_DELETEALLnone
A zone's thumbnail image is updated (TBD)ZONE_THUMBNAIL_PUTALLTBD

A data domain is created or a new version of

of the data domain has been created


A data domain has been created

A data domain has been deletedDOMAIN_DELETEALLTBD
An MDR has been created for a given data domain (TBD)DOMAIN_NAME_DATA_POSTALLTBD
An MDR has been updated in a given data domain (TBD)DOMAIN_NAME_DATA_PUTALLTBD
An MDR has been deleted in a give data domain (TBD)DOMAIN_NAME_DATA_DELETEALLTBD



Notification Event Response Body

Notification responses include the following:

descriptionA full description of the event - i.e. a full concatenation of the information described below for easy displaying.
dateCreatedUnix timestamp of when the event notification was sent


Zone uuid of target resource
eventTypeOne of the above described "Notification Event Types"
zoneNameThe name of the zone that generated the event.
zoneUuidThe UUID of the zone that generated the event.
optionalOther key/values that are appropriate for the event type
