14:16:59 From Mike Caruso : pros and cons to that 14:35:00 From Amanda Mason : this is the email he sent me: 14:35:01 From Amanda Mason : Amanda, Happy to eMeet you. In our bi-weekly product team meeting for the CCC we were discussing some weekly standing team meetings available to utilize some agenda time so as to not put too many more meetings on the product owners calendars. They suggested working with you to aim to get 30min on the agenda in your standing meeting. I am not sure how full your agenda is, but if this would be an option, that would be great. Perhaps as early as next week if possible, otherwise just let me know any available dates. The agenda item will be to discuss some upcoming changes to the product management team. Thanks, Bill Zlomke Product Management Office California Community College Technology Center 916-343-4224 14:35:15 From Patty Donohue : totally agree!